@petro Sorry to insist, but you have not made it clear whether you checked the BIOS version in Recalbox MANAGER, or how you did it.
Also, what is your version of Recalbox? What is your hardware? Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or did you download a ready-made image from the internet?
You are right: the link was just for you to know which BIOS version to use, BIOS and ROMS are copyrighted, so its distribution is illegal, and against the forum rules.
@mrayzarc Backup and do a clean install, with the latest official version of Recalbox, and test. If everyone succeeds and you don't, it indicates that you have modified some configuration that we don't know which one.
@zing Like I mention in a previous post here I do not have this issue when I convert my own games with psx2psp only with the ones from the store.
@unscathed Did you set whatever is needed to use trackb***s in controls and/or core options ? I'm pretty sure mame2003+ supports trackb***s as long as you set it properly. For reference, FBNeo requires changes in Quick Menu > Controls (device types).
@acris@ian57 En effet , une erreur bête de ma part c'étais bien un problème de bios...
Et oui même avec un overclockage au max la Raspberry supporte mal la Dreamcast ( problème de fps ainsi que quelque bug de son)
Merci pour vos rapides retours !!