at least anything like arcade. Same problem on Mame (i have a save state where sound channels disappeared 1 by 1, no sound left if I play from this save state now). No particular rule, sometimes, for some games, it just won't work properly
@metzger130 Can't be te Pi3. I'm running the game just fine on my Pi3. Just for the sake of completeness, please tell us the MD5 and the name of your PCENGINE Bios as they are on your Pi.
On a side note. In which folder do you have the game on your Pi?
Oh, you're right, these are two different controlers !
Too bad - maybe an idea for an improvement of recalbox, adding support for 'flipper'-type games? (not that I know many, to be honest)
Wrong section, therefore moved to the right one and to answer your question: You don't need to install N64. It is already installed. You just need to copy games to your /share/roms/n64 folder and the system will show up in ES.
Je me suis douté de cette réponse. 🙂
La version GBA avait deux trois ajouts sympa et avec les hack de son et image c'était farpais, mais tant pis.
Merci de la rep rapide. ^^