I can not get arcade card games to run on 4.0.0 beta 4. I tried this with sapphire and with strider. Sapphire ran on my pi B with version 4.0.0 beta 3, but when I upgraded to a pi 3, beta 4 was out. Both games look like they are going to start to boot, on strider I get nec presents, and on sapphire I get the loading screen for a brief second, and then it boots me back to emulation station. Non arcade card cd games work perfect, so I do have the correct syscard3 bios. Is there something I need to do or is this a bug in beta 4?
Best posts made by metzger130
PC Engine Arcade Card games
Latest posts made by metzger130
RE: msx
I will admit, I haven't done a ton of research, but what is the difference between MSX and MSX 1 in recalbox. MSX2 folder, self explanatory, but why msx and msx1? Also, is there an app to rename the .rom to .msx1 as there are a lot of games for msx1
Being in the US we never had MSX systems, however I have heard that it was a pretty good system. That being said I found all the bios files and roms. All the msx2 roms I have downloaded just fine to the recalbox, however my msx1 files have .rom at the end so it will not take them. Am I missing a lot by only having msx2 games?
RE: N64 Mario Party
I saw that compatibility list, but it was as of version 3.3.0 and was wondering if there was a new list somewhere. also, the Mari Party says PAL version and I use NTSC, so didn't know if that mattered either.
N64 Mario Party
I was trying to play Mario Party 3, then 2 on the pi last night and once you get into the game, the characters disappear and so do the dice. Is there a specific core to use for these games? I just have it on default right now as that seems to work for all other systems. I looked for a compatibility list, but the last one was as of version 3.3.0, and I'd imagine it is further than that in compatibility.
RE: PC Engine Arcade Card games
I have the game in the pcengine cd folder. How do I tell the MD5 of the file? I know it accepted it in recalbox so I'm assuming it's the one it wants.
@Nachtgarm said in PC Engine Arcade Card games:
@metzger130 Can't be te Pi3. I'm running the game just fine on my Pi3. Just for the sake of completeness, please tell us the MD5 and the name of your PCENGINE Bios as they are on your Pi.
On a side note. In which folder do you have the game on your Pi?
RE: PC Engine Arcade Card games
@acris Since it works on my pi with the beta 3, I downloaded that and put it as a fresh install on the card, put the bios and game on and tried it on the pi 3, no luck. I then reformatted it and put the image that has all my games back on the pi 3.
I highly doubt it's the case, but I am using a 64GB sd card that is formatted fat 32. That's the only difference in the 2 systems other than original pi and pi 3.
RE: PC Engine Arcade Card games
Hope someone can help me with this, I'm out of options. I made an image of the card, formatted it and put a fresh install on, doesn't work. Put the image back on so I have all my games and took the bios out and put the bios that works on my pi on it, doesn't work. Last I took the sapphire image that works on my pi and put it on the pi 3, doesn't work. any other ideas? Only thing I can think of is it has to be something with the pi3.
RE: PC Engine Arcade Card games
micro sd card. I am trying a different way though. I have been trying to put it on via the windows network... I'm trying win scp. Don't know why it would make a difference but worth a try I guess. Just out of curiosity you are using most recent version correct?
RE: PC Engine Arcade Card games
@acris said in PC Engine Arcade Card games:
Are you looking at my 2nd screenshot or the 1st? if your looking at the 2nd, please tell me what you are seeing that I am not.
Your cue and iso fikes must be same name
Your screenshot shows that it is not make
And in cue file Sapphire.iso BINARYThis game works fine in recalbox 4