It sounds like your system is displaying a battery indicator overlay. To remove it, try the following based on your setup:
If Using EmuELEC or Batocera:Go to Main Menu > UI Settings and look for an option related to battery display.
Some themes have battery indicators enabled by default—switching to a different theme may remove it. If Using RetroPie on a Handheld Device:
If you have a script generating the overlay, check your /opt/retropie/configs/all/autostart.sh file for any battery-related commands.
You can disable any script running cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity or similar. If Using a Custom Theme in EmulationStation:
Some themes hardcode battery icons. Try switching to a different theme under UI Settings > Theme.
If the icon is part of the theme, you may need to edit the theme’s XML files (located in /etc/emulationstation/themes/your_theme).
Let me know what system you're using, and I can give more specific steps! 😊