I got a 5 inch hdmi monitor with resolution of 800x480 for a project and tried to run recalbox on it.
At first, the screen was all messed up, since the Pi coudnt find the proper resolution. So I found online how to change the screen resolution via config.txt.
So I held shift and via noobs edited the config.txt with this parameters:
hdmi_force_hotplug=1 (not sure why they asked to do this command, but I did it anyway)
hdmi_cvt= 800 480 60 6 0 0 0
And the result was this:
The problem happens when I tried to start any game from any emulator from any console.
It doesnt keep the same resolution. It looks like this:
So... where else do I need to go to config the resolution? Where else I have to check ? And how?
Thanks for helping!