@rustymg said in PSX Light gun Games not working:
Ive never used Gitlab before. I'm thinking I need to register first ?
Once registered, where exactly do I raise issues?
Yes, you need to create an account, but it's pretty simple, sign up here (as you can see, it's possible to create an account using a google/twitter/github account):
Once logged in, go to the issues page and click on "New issue":
Before creating a new issue, use the search box and see if there is already an issue with the same issue, if there is, just vote positively and leave a comment to "support": you will notice that at this moment there are 233 issues open , and the developer team is very small, so issues that affect more people tend to be prioritized.
There are a few that no one seems to have mentioned, eg no VIC20 games now work on the 7.22 build, and there are errors with the Pico8 setup, as it displays the "downloaded_images" folder I'm amongst the actual games.
I understand your point of view, but please try to understand that it is not recommended that you open thousands of issues for every POSSIBLE bug you find, as I mentioned in the previous post, the forum serves to filter "false bugs": when no other user reported the problem, there is a possibility that it is not a bug, but some kind of mishandling by the user.
Following this line of reasoning, it is recommended that you first open a thread here on the forum, and then other people can try to test the problem, or confirm the bug.
Yes, sometimes the bug does exist and nobody noticed but you, but please understand that if all users directly decide to open an issue without getting a second opinion first, our small team of developers won't even be able to analyze them all: the more users can help each other without relying on developers, the more free time developers have to improve our beloved Recalbox system.
Since you are a very active and interested user, I think it would be interesting for you to participate in the official Discord too, there are usually more users online simultaneously there, many users prefer to use discord: