30 Sept 2021, 16:51

Recalbox only supports the Mayflash Wiimote adapter for light gun games as previously mentioned - Sinden is not directly supported.

I took a look anyway at how it works since I’m familiar with the product. This seems to be the sort of script we are talking about (https://github.com/SindenLightgun/SindenLightgunLinux/blob/v1.5.3/RetroPieScripts/SindenLightgun-P1Start.sh).

It’s only a few lines because it doesn’t do much other than start a .exe file using mono. To be honest, getting that to work in Recalbox will probably be difficult since the underlying OS is different from Retropie.

You can try to copy (from GitHub) and run the various scripts manually to see what works and what doesn’t. From there, it may just work (I don’t know if Recalbox has mono setup) or it may be a pretty deep rabbit hole. Recalbox doesn’t have an easy way to install new software tools (like git) unless you have a good amount of Linux experience.