@stigzler The developer team actively participates in the official Discord, ask there what you want to ask, no need to focus on an exclusive developer, just ask that if anyone can help you, they will answer you: https://discord.com/invite/NbQFbGM
@skullgrin the xu4 with fan doesn't have overheating problem, the one with heatsink yes. however some od batches had not very good quality where the unit would cease to work
the c2 is just not very interesting regaring its perfomance, it hasn't a difference big enough from a pi to justify choosing it over the raspbery
But I do not find on the wiki about Gamecube and Wii require BIOS (I do not use these systems, so I do not know so much), so that does not seem to be the case.
In the emulationstation menu, if I am not mistaken in system information, it shows the OpenGL that is running, I think it is a video card incompatibility. If it is, there is nothing to do.
@ignign0kt Good to see it's solved. Could you be kind to post the solution that solved your issue ?
Also, I don"t understand why in your configuration sharedevice is on ANYEXTERNAL if you don't use any external USB drive. You should set it on INTERNAL.
In the archive you've sent, I can't see any clue of your controller. That's why I had doubts about a drive issue.
Super boulot les gars pour cette nouvelle beta !!! Splatterhouse arcade fonctionne à merveille, quel bonheur de pouvoir jouer à un de mes jeux préférés dans sa version originale !!! Encore mille mercis, vous êtes les meilleurs, je vais m'éclater dessus, ça va trancher ??
Yes, I can agree, there are mame roms that are working. You have really to be care about that you are looking for Version 0.37b5 roms. But I do have 0.37b5 roms which are working on RetroPie/PortaPi and do not work in Recalbox. What games are you guys trying to play?