I think there were some really strange Pi and CRT issues being reported on the Discord English support section. Prob worth joining the group and having a look back...hmm..maybe upto a week or so. 👍
@Zing ti aggiorno l'hardisk è formattato in fat32, e sul pc funziona correttamente , ho anche editato il file config.txt perchè pensavo fosse un problema di alimentazione, ma al solito niente da fare, in ogni caso continuerò a smanettare, e ti ringrazio ancora
@dj_lithium I don't know the model, I don't know if the video card is compatible with Recalbox, although most notebooks are. (I’m not saying it’s not supported, but I can’t guarantee it is)
Can I change the sound driver? I have a noise after the launch. Noise overlaps the sound (there is sound, but noise is louder). Noise - Pphhhhhhhhhhhh...
it works
it's correctly formatted (we do recommend fat23 for now)
one way or another, it has enough power supplied (from the pi, a self powered hub, or anything else)