@lackyluuk ok, this is what you should do :
- test pads with evtest, i think they should work
- same goes with sdl2-jstest
=> if both of them work, then it's a retroarch problem
- out of curiosity, try to remap the pads in retroarch so that we can see if retroarch can see them afterall
Give a try to https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/issues/1244#issuecomment-2981808465 because it has an updated retroarch version, i know i had to rewrite 1 patch regarding inputs, so maybe that would do.
Still, if it works in ES, it means it works with SDL and linux kernel, so that is a retroarch problem. You could eventually try some non retroarch emulators with these pads (mupen scummvm, advancemame, reicast)