Dear all
Finally I have my own N64 mod called "NintendoRS" finished 
I am using a N64 case (OF COURSE from a broken one ;)) and put all the things i need in it. I am using the original On-Off and Reset parts from the case The Reset button just resets the currently played game and not the whole raspberry. Additionally I put two RGB Leds, one for the logo and the other for the status of the machine.
The cartridge is actually a fake, but recalbox does not boot if it is not plugged in (Then the two LED start to blink in red (Error)). During startup and shutdown the LEDs are changing like a rainbow, in ON-state the logo is white and the status green and in standby (when recalbox is shutdown by software, the status is orange and the logo dims up and down like a standby LED 
To control the leds I am using an arduino pro mini which gets the status signals from the raspberry pi.
I still need to design the final cartridge
if someone has ideas, just lwt me know 
I hope you like my little project
Below you see some pictures of it
Cheers, lackyluuk!