@Substring Maybe I shall present myself a bit, because I am not really a professional with this:
I am 30 years old and a teacher of German and English. I raised up with all kinds of new media, because my parents bought everything but the usage was heavily restricted on a per day basis. Because the stuff was so expensive back then I was not allowed to program let allone pry open the cases and see what happens :-). Furthermore doing stuff with our bare hands was also controlled by my parents because they thought it may cause us harm. (I built a wooden house with friends and never told my mom because she would have forbidden it.) However they meant no harm to me, they just wanted that I become something where I would get a good pay. Therefore sadly as it is, I never learnt programming, nor how all the stuff worked. It only happened later between the age of 20 and 30 that I went mad and wanted to know more. I am an early adopter, as my dad is, and I bought the first iPad, iPod, Android Phone, Raspberryi pi and so on. Just to see how it works, not really for anything else. Kind of trying to get my childhood going again :-).
But being a teacher and having been raised with both books and video games I figured out that a lot of colleagues consider video games a bad thing when compared to thriller books where people get seriously harmed and then killed in awfull ways. I sure have a lot of discussion when talking to my colleagues, who claim books are better than games, which is a lie because every hobby is valuable so long as you don´t forget to do your work. Therefore I am more respectful to my pupils and so are they to me. I was always too sleepy at school because I have read the lord of the rings instead of having a healthy sleep. I think that today only media has changed, not so much the pupils. If we had phones back then I bet I would have rather had a game then reading through The Lord of the Rings. I feel that books are a valuable media but if your parents haven´t been reading to you when you were a child it is to no avail to try and force them at school. I tend to work with what is already given, and they are fascinated by media more than ever.
I did a bit of programming, I know how to use a terminal, I also soldered a touchscreen onto my first pi (it looks awful but it works), I built myself an Ugly Drum Smoker with my bare hands and I am having a whale of time with Pulled Porks, but all in all I am nowhere near being a professional in any of these areas. I am just trying to get them to find out, what they have a talent for and then try to move in that direction. Many of the pupils are talented in media and they never get there because they are told to be nerds or some are nerdy and never get the oppertunity to find out until they are 30 and teach German and English instead of computer-science :-).
My pupils are around 15 to 17 years old. I only know them for half a year but some of them are really talented in media. I am leading a media workshop so it is not about programming itself. Some of them will produce youtube tutorials, because they feel more like it. They should just learn that creating media is so much work and fun, that they could earn money with it, that it is important in every field of todays work. And they should see the other side, the creative one rather than just consuming. Seeing your very own product and consuming it is so much more fun that just buying yourself a ps4 or a smoker :-). I think this is something that´s total wrong with society. We only consume and don´t create and therefore Europe goes to hell because we are all so self centered and somewhat stupid in terms of what we are capable of. But don´t get to distracted:
I don´t want to solder with them because I see legal issues with the insurance. And the school doesn´t have soldering irons. 100 million for a f**king symphony in Hamburg, not a cent for schools... .
I am however interested in the pi0. I will have a look and thanks for the reichelt link.