@lackyluuk @Madmeggo sent me his german translation and I made the PR:
[SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
Hello ! Alors soit j'ai pas compris comment utiliser ton soft, soit il bug des que je tente de scraper. Je lance mon scrap sur psx et ensuite il freeze a l'infini.
déjà attention ^^ c'est une BETA ^^
Au niveau utilistation, si tu suis le wizard, il ne te reste plus qu'à choisir ton systeme a scraper.. Et lancer le scrapesi ça ne fonctionne pas, tu peux checker dans les logs.
Enfin, il est possible que les antivirus fasse ch....
essaye de desactiver ou d'autoriser les 2 exe (il y en a 2
UXS et le scraper.exe du meme repertoire, potentiellement en x64)
@screech said in [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2:
effectivement j'ai des merdouilles avec le resize automatique.
Merci pour les exemples, comme ça je vais pouvoir gerer le trucDe rien
j'ai pas testé les autres consoles donc je sais pas si ça fait pareil j'essayerais tout à l'heure
@screech do you wanna use the formal "You" or the informal in the german translation?:)
@lackyluuk I don't know ^^ I use the "vous" in french
don't know what it is in german ^^
@screech Vous is then "Sie" and I think Toi is the informal like "Du"
@lackyluuk @Madmeggo sent me his german translation and I made the PR:
https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/pull/19 -
Arg, sorry @lackyluuk
Don't know @Madmeggo work on German translation too...Is it OK for you ? I accept the PR... Let me know if you thing you are disagree with some tranlsation.
(Thank you @paradadf for the PR...)
I didn't really ask for "official permisson". I just told @paradadf that i can and would like to translate the new scraper version, after i used it and noticed that the german translation was missing. I didn't even know about this thread. I hope the translation is okay with you guys. And i would appreciate if @lackyluuk would check it too!
I'm really sorry if i "interfered" with someone... -
No problem @Madmeggo
UXS is an open source project, every one is welcome to participate (even if AUTOIT dev are pretty rare ^^ )
And I haven't "communicated" about @lackyluuk started the German translation ^^(And I still looking for Spanish, and Portuguese/Bazilian translator ^^)
Phew, okay @screech . I hope i didn't make mistaktes, and translated everything the correct way.
If there is mistake, I can't tell you ^^ I don't speak a word of German...
(The last sentence I remember from school is "Du bist ein esel" and me proodly answering "Entschuldigung" ^^) -
@screech I'm on it (spanish)
@screech So you do speak a few word's of german
Then let's hope @lackyluuk won't find a mistake -
@Madmeggo @paradadf @screech haha, no prob lads. I started today and just wanted to finish my translation. Fortunately I had a look into the wiki first.
Thanks @Madmeggo. I found one, two typos. Is it possible to correct them directly on the github master? The rest seems okay. I will have a closer look tomorrow.
@screech your german is nice
I hope u know what a Esel is
Now yes
(thank you google translate ^^)
For editing directly on Github, I can with my account... don't know if you can... Maybe with an account ^^ (I uncheck "Restrict editing to collaborators only" so maybe you can now ^^)
@lackyluuk that what @screech said! "Das was Screech gesagt hat"
Ich habe eigentlich gar keine Ahnung wie die ganze Github-Sache funktioniert. Ich hab die XML einfach mit Notepad++ geöffnet, losgelegt und @paradadf dann mein "Exemplar" geschickt.
Einfach einen Fehler korrigieren wenn du einen gefunden hast
Meine Konzentration lässt in letzter Zeit etwas zu wünschen übrig. Daher kann es gut sein dass ich was übersehen habe. Und manche Dinge waren auch nicht ganz zu verstehen, weil das Englisch noch nicht hunder pro ist. Ich hoffe ich habe den Sinn von allem so weit eingefangen -
@screech I have an account
I'll give it a try tomorrrow.
@Madmeggo alright
Hab auch nicht so ahnung davon
Ich übersetze das Wiki zurzeit und kenne ein paar Sachen davon. Okay, ich schaue es morgen mal genauer an. Hatte heute auch ein paae Begriffe überhaupt nicht verstanden, aber mit deinem Input siehts schon sehr gut aus.
Edit: @lackyluuk Oh man. Wie unhöflich von mir. Ich kann und werde natürlich selbst mal nach meinen Tippfehlern suchen. Das meinte ich mit meiner Konzentration und meinem Kopf ... Kaum zu gebrauchen ...
how can i update some .xml files?
For example, for snes i had a lot of favorites, but i downloaded a lot of new games that i want to scrap, i dont want to delete the old .xml file, how can i update it?