[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
La personnalisation des sous-dossiers fonctionne très bien!
Idéal pour trier les jeux par genre ou par continent avec de belles images pour chaque genre/continent !
Déjà dit, mais pour les nouveaux venus: c'est probablement le meilleur logiciel dans son genre !The customization of subfolders works great !
Great for sorting games by type or by continent with nice images for each type/continent !
Already said but for the newcomers: it's probably the best software of its kind !joli boulot ! et Merci !
coment fonctionne la personnalisation des sous dossiers ????
Hi @virus-man
It's the english thread, so I answer in english. The french one is here: https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/11849/arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager/184Details about customization of subfolders with image and description
folder : \\recalbox\share\roms\neogeo\- Metal SlugIt will be necessary to put the image relative to the folder with the same name as the folder .png.
\\recalbox\share\roms\neogeo\- Metal Slug\- Metal Slug.pngThe image is mandatory to take this operation into account
You can also put a description of the folder (optional) in a text file (.txt) with the same name as the folder:
Example :
\\recalbox\share\roms\neogeo\- Metal Slug\- Metal Slug.txt
Of course, your Metal slug roms have to go in this directory : \\recalbox\share\roms\neogeo\- Metal Slug
This information (folder) will be written at the end of the gamelist.xml file when saving the gamelist.
In the example, I put a hyphen in front of the directory name so that it appears at the top of the list, but it is not required -
Petite précision avec la personnalisation des sous-dossiers: Recalbox les customise automatiquement avec des images des jeux inclus dans ces même sous-dossiers.
Nexusone13 m'a confirmé que ca fonctionne bien avec Batocera.
Et personnellement, cela a fonctionné avec retropie mais je n'ai pas testé avec les toutes dernières versions.A little precision about the customization of the subfolders: Recalbox automatically customizes them with images of games included in these same subfolders.
Nexusone13 has confirmed that it works well with Batocera.
And personally, it worked with retropie but I have not tested with the latest versions. - 12 days later
Hello All
New version available (02/10/2019)
- Creation of a 'Temporary gamelist' checkbox in the 'Gamelist options' tab which allows to create a 'gamelist_tempo.xml' file during the progression of the scrape in the directory of the scraped system. So after a crash of the application, the next launch of a scrap on this system, a prompt asks you if you want to merge this file 'gamelist_tempo.xml' in the current 'gamelist.xml'. If an error occurs, check that the 'gamelist_tempo.xml' file contains the <gamelist> tags at the beginning of the file and </gamelist> at the end of the file.
- Keyword search is done on the description as well.
- Fix format of the dates to respect the format yyyymmddT000000 (request of Maromatze on the site Jujuvincebros.fr)
- faster scrape treatment
- When there is an error downloading an image, 2 more attempts are made.
- The log file is no longer in memory (this caused slowdowns on big scrape). Now the log is written in the "system" \ scrape_log.txt file. So during a crash, the log file is always searchable
- fix the mix_gamegear_profile template
- Add an Atomiswave template
- Added some systems Logo
- Added Atari800 & Atari800XL template
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
- 21 days later
Hello All
New version available (03/03/2019)
- Added a button 'MD5' in the panel 'Actions possible on selected Roms' to mass calculate the MD5 Rom files then causing a faster search Screenscraper. The MD5 tag is also written in the gamelist.xml. (Request of twh7474 on the JujuVinceBros.fr forum)
- Added a 'Clear METADATA' button in the 'Possible Actions on Selected Roms' panel to mass delete METADATA. Keeps the ROM filename and the game name from the ROM filename. (Request of twh7474 on the JujuVinceBros.fr forum)
- Renamed 'Japan Box' in 'Japan Media'
- Creation of a button 'US Media' (request of Damocles)
- If 'Japan Media' or 'US Media' is checked, ARRM attempts to recover Japanese or US versions of Boxart, Cartridge, Marquee/Title. The language of the textual information will be the language of the ARRM interface.
- Added a WIKI button (at the top of the screen near the title) : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/
- Fixed a bug that crashed the application when clicking the 'Backup gamelists' button in the 'Gamelist options' configuration tab
- Fixed a bug causing no bubble info on Portuguese, Spanish, Russian languages
- Added Amiga CD32 template
- Add / edit templates pokemini, channelf, samcoupe, oricatmos, pc98, NeoGeo CD
- Update files 'systemes_screenscraper.txt' & 'systemes_extensions.txt' to take into account the systems added in the beta Recalbox of February 2019: pokemini, channelf, samcoupe, oricatmos, PC98, NeoGeoCD, sufami
- Renaming the NeoGeo template in SNK NeoGeo
- Added a 'News' click link next to the changelog link, allowing you to post news about ARRM (when there is one) and remove the automatic news popup when launching the application
- Added logos for systems: pc98, oricatmos, neogeocd, sufami
- Fixed a display issue on game titles containing &
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
- 21 days later
Hello All
New version available (03/24/2019)
- Overlays recovery and automatic creation of overlay configuration files for Batocera and Recalbox. When recovering system and game overlays, ARRM can detect overlay transparency areas and automatically create configuration files for Recalbox or Batocera, or rely on configurable template files. (thanks to VirusMan for the beta test). For more explanation Read the wiki article: http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=bezels_en
- Radio button to select the format of overlays to recover: 16/9 (most provided), 16/10 and 4/3
- Checkbox 'Dev' in the tab 'Options' which allows to save in a dedicated directory the overlay with a yellow frame representing the automatic coordinates of the viewport found by ARRM. Useful for locating overlays posing problems.
- Creation of a file "missing_bezels%system%.txt" containing the list of overlays not found.
- Added a field to select the backup directory for overlays and their configuration files (\recalbox\share, \batocera\share or any directory of your disks)
- Added a validation button for the selection of various directories
- Fixed a bug when looking for files / names of roms containing the character '&' (ampersand) (the game was not found) (report SecamFr)
- Bug fix when clicking on "Display" without any system selected (report Virus-Man)
- Addition of a checkbox 'In .ZIP' in the 'Scrap Options' tab: When the search via MD5 on the Rom file name does not return anything, ARRM searches via MD5 file contained in the .ZIP
- Added Screenscraper's V2 Beta API (selectable via Checkbox in Control Panel
- Add / Edit systems / cores in configuration files
- When 'US Media' or 'JAP Media' is selected, ARRM attempts to retrieve the corresponding game name (US or JAP)
- Fixed various bugs
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
@nexusone13 hello. When I try to scrape, error message appears: missing file vcruntime140.dll
Where I can download that file? Thanks!
I am using windows 10 64 bit and ARRM
@jorgemagana Google is your friend!
@oyyodams thanks, now I see is part of windows, I tought it was part of the ARRM software.
Hi All
New version available (04/01/2019)
- Added translation in Italian: a big thank you to Michele for her careful translation
- Fixed a bug with bad overlays viewport coordinates on batocera only (recalbox ok)
- It is now possible when scrap (multi or mono system) to associate a template to a system via a configuration file (see wiki http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=scraper-en )
- Addition of a checkbox: -> 720 allowing to convet a template in 1080 to 720 and to recalculate the coordinates of the viewports of an image overlay in 1080 for a display in 1280x720 ( see wiki : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=bezels_en )
- Best automatic recognition of viewports on Vectrex
- Fixed a bug on the 'All' button for system selection that caused a bug when launching a scrap
- Fixed various bugs
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Hello. How can I update only the images of a game list?
@jorgemagana said in Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
Hello. How can I update only the images of a game list?
If you do not want textual information to be updated, but only graphics, just checked in 'image option tab': No Text. -
@nexusone13 excellent! Thanks!
@nexusone13 Salut, encore un petit bug si l'on scrappe un fullset megadrive par exemple, avec l'option JAPAN Media il rajoute JAP dans le nom de l'image mais avec l'option US Media il garde le même nom que la version box tout court du coup impossible d'avoir certains jeux avec la jaquette Europe et USA.
Tu peut testé avec les roms "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Europe).zip" et "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA).zip". -
@secamfr je modifie et je te fais passer une version pour test
@secamfr Je t'ai mis le lien dans le chat pvt
@nexusone13 Beta testé, c'est parfait ! Par contre j'ai remarqué un message d'erreur qui s'affiche parfois pourtant l'image est bien sauvé "!!!!! Ne peut pas compresser le fichier PNG. Code erreur : 2"
ARRM Wiki updated
- How to retrieve overlays of systems and games : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=bezels_en
- Create your own template for ARRM : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=create_template-en
Hi all
ARRM Wiki updated- Sort 'es_systems.cfg' file : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=sort_es_systems-en
Available in next version, looking for testers, if interested email me at : nexusone13@gmail.com or reply here