Hello All
New version available (03/03/2019)
- Added a button 'MD5' in the panel 'Actions possible on selected Roms' to mass calculate the MD5 Rom files then causing a faster search Screenscraper. The MD5 tag is also written in the gamelist.xml. (Request of twh7474 on the JujuVinceBros.fr forum)
- Added a 'Clear METADATA' button in the 'Possible Actions on Selected Roms' panel to mass delete METADATA. Keeps the ROM filename and the game name from the ROM filename. (Request of twh7474 on the JujuVinceBros.fr forum)
- Renamed 'Japan Box' in 'Japan Media'
- Creation of a button 'US Media' (request of Damocles)
- If 'Japan Media' or 'US Media' is checked, ARRM attempts to recover Japanese or US versions of Boxart, Cartridge, Marquee/Title. The language of the textual information will be the language of the ARRM interface.
- Added a WIKI button (at the top of the screen near the title) : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/
- Fixed a bug that crashed the application when clicking the 'Backup gamelists' button in the 'Gamelist options' configuration tab
- Fixed a bug causing no bubble info on Portuguese, Spanish, Russian languages
- Added Amiga CD32 template
- Add / edit templates pokemini, channelf, samcoupe, oricatmos, pc98, NeoGeo CD
- Update files 'systemes_screenscraper.txt' & 'systemes_extensions.txt' to take into account the systems added in the beta Recalbox of February 2019: pokemini, channelf, samcoupe, oricatmos, PC98, NeoGeoCD, sufami
- Renaming the NeoGeo template in SNK NeoGeo
- Added a 'News' click link next to the changelog link, allowing you to post news about ARRM (when there is one) and remove the automatic news popup when launching the application
- Added logos for systems: pc98, oricatmos, neogeocd, sufami
- Fixed a display issue on game titles containing &
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager