Hi everyone,
I have a new Pi with Recalbox 4.0.0 and when my Logitech F310 is plugged in, I can use it to control the main Recalbox menus and everything. When I configure the controller, I do have some issues with the L2/R2 buttons (same as reported here: https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/2034/logitech-f310-l2-and-r2-button-configuration-problems) but I can still use it without any problems.
However, the controller doesn't do anything at all when I'm in a game. I tried many games, many systems (GB, GBA, NES, SNES, MAME), but I can't get any game to start, no response when I press any button on the F310. The only way to get out of it again is to hit ESC on my keyboard.
I did try switching from X to D on the back, but when it's on D, it doesn't respond at all anymore, not even in the Recalbox menu. It only works when it's set to X the moment I boot up and don't change it anymore.
I hate asking this (because I have the feeling I'm missing something very simple, and as a newbie I'm scared that someone will point me to a post/article where this exact issue is explained), but any help would be appreciated.
I'm also considering to just get a second hand Xbox 360 controller, since that seems to work out of the box for everyone, but if I can get my F310 to work, I won't try that.
Thanks everyone!