@Ledrunning For your reference: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Make-a-partition-writable-(EN)
This Mini How-To is here for reading..believe it or not
@plootje it's a libretro core, it all mapped the way it is intended. But remember it's a computer that requires a keyboard
@Substring Hello all! What I should to do for entering into safe mode to change my /boot/config.txt? I tried to press Shift before the os is loaded, but it doesn't work... This method works great at past version.
@ledrunning Just let recalbox start, log in with SSH, type mount -o remount, rw /boot
and then you can edit (via WinSCP seems the easiest)
@substring said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
I try edit /boot/config.txt via Putty, but I see a message that file is read only...
@ledrunning You forgot the command I mentionned
@Ledrunning For your reference: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Make-a-partition-writable-(EN)
This Mini How-To is here for reading..believe it or not
@Substring Thank you! Everything works great!
In recalbox Manager, the CRC for dc_flash.bin is d6e11a23f1fa01cddb5dfccf7e4cc8d7. It's not the same in the faq.
@toniosj nevermind, te manager just handles 1 hash per file for now. But the DC accepts almost any valid bios
what kind of mame roms can be played at rpi2 ? 0.78 and ... what settings ?
@Substring @rockaddicted @acris
Hello I updated arcade documentation on the wiki for 4.1 final but there are a few links wich I don't know how to update, between github wiki and the moving of the code to gitlab where I can't find anymore the recalbox-buildroot project.
How to update the following links for FBA ?
@substring thanks !
@voljega you posted links of the 4.0.X branch... aren‘t those files already up to date on gitlab and the 4.1 branch on github? Or has something changed?
@paradadf the links I posted here were the one used before (from github) and I wanted to update them for 4.1 and so @Substring gave me corresponding the giblab links
As far as I know, the project code completely moved to Gitlab and isn't maintened on Github anymore ?
@voljega someday we may setup the sync from gitlab to github, but that's not a priority. For everything that is code related, it moved to gitlab, yes
I'm guessing that the MD5 tag in the manager for the dc_flash.bin will be updated at some point?
It asks for dc_flash.bin MD5: d6e11a23f1fa01cddb5dfccf7e4cc8d7
but this post states
0a93f7940c455905bea6e392dfde92a4 dc_flash.bin
I can't find the former but I do have the latter. When upgrading it doesn't show the dc bios MD5 in the online manager but gave them a tick (tried uploading a 'bad' bios and it still gave that a tick too!).
I had originally uploaded
dc_boot.bin MD5: d552d8b577faa079e580659cd3517f86
dc_flash.bin MD5: 74e3f69c2bb92bc1fc5d9a53dcf6ffe2
which seemed to work ok but maybe this is why I'm getting the occasional DC related bug???
@matra can't tell ... What I know at least is that the DC emulation is far from being perfect
@voljega please, read my questions again. I personally updated those files on the 4.1 branch in github, so there is no need to update them as for my understanding. The links you posted are from the 4.0.X branch, thus outdated.
@paradadf well the links came from the wiki arcade doc and those were clearly obsolete