[4.1-stable] FAQ
Hello every body!!! Congratulations for the 4.1!! You are awesome!! Thanks!!
I need you help because i want to connect my bluetooth controllers ( two gamesir G3S and a chinese controllers) but i doesn't work...
Before the 4.1, i used a dongle for connect the G3S and a cable for the chinese but now i want to use the internal bluetooth.
I have forget the connection with all my controller in the system and when i scan for connect them i have the controller but if i choose them i have "impossible to connect".... i have reset the controller but it isn't change anything... sometime it work it but it reconize the controller on keybord and i can configure just the power switch...Nobody can help me?
(I'm sorry for my bad english)
Config : raspberry pi 3 + card SD 16Go simple boot with stockage anyexternal.
@caramasof have a look at https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Connect-bluetooth-controller-manually-(EN)#if-your-recalbox-version-is-41x-or-later if you're ddesperate ...
are you sure you resettted your pads ?
Thanks for your help, yes i have reset my controller and i have test with all his configuration (mode apple, android, android + mouse and PC/PS3) but all mode have the same results....
I will test your link and i will be back if work it.
Thanks -
@substring said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
for some people, deactivating audio-pwm-mode=2 in /boot/config.txt did the trick
Ok I will try on evening
@substring said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
So, i've test this procedure but i obtain this :
[bluetooth]# pair 85:55:06:78:6F:30
Attempting to pair with 85:55:06:78:6F:30
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.InProgress
[bluetooth]# connect 85:55:06:78:6F:30
Attempting to connect to 85:55:06:78:6F:30
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[bluetooth]# trust 85:55:06:78:6F:30
Changing 85:55:06:78:6F:30 trust succeededWhen i boot without my USB, with lot of tests i have connect one controller but when i restart with my USB the controller don't work and i can't reconnect it...
A idea?
On Recalbox Manager/ Controllers i have change the plugin PS3 on "Original" and i think it's better but if i save, it return to "Bluez 5"...I am sure it's possible ^^
Thanks for your help. -
@caramasof manually edit the recalbox.conf for the PS3 driver, it works. At least it should. But for now, on every update, it will be reset to bluez.
Which controller did you try to pair with bluetoothctl ? not a PS3 i hope ?
@substring said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
caramasof manually edit the recalbox.conf for the PS3 driver, it works. At least it should. But for now, on every update, it will be reset to bluez.
No i have try with a Gamesir G3S (https://www.amazon.fr/GameSir-G3s-Bluetooth-Compatible-Smartphone/dp/B019PXVCDQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1508243170&sr=8-1&keywords=gamesir+g3s)
She have a PS3 mode or other type of connection. Before with the dongle i use the PC mode for connect them (the recalbox call him "Xbox 360 pad").What i edit on recalbox.conf? And i have see a second recalbox.conf with the 4.1 what it's different?
@caramasof I told you about the ps3 driver, and manually set it to
. I don't remember the exact key, probablycontrollers.ps3.driver
.But on which mode can your gamesir work ? PS3 ? PC ? On PS3, I'm not sure the pairing process would be like a regular PS3. Does your pad come with a dongle ?
@substring I have succeeded!!! So i think i have had a bug because i have try and try and try... and it's work!!
When i look the config, it's set on bluez so i don't change and i retry with all mode of the manette every time.
So if anybody it's interessed for Gamesir G3S pad, power it with "B" + "Home" and select the bluez mode for PS3 controllers.Thanks for your help @Substring you are awesome!
How to control C64 like start, select, a,b,x,y and joypad ? anybody ?
@plootje it's a libretro core, it all mapped the way it is intended. But remember it's a computer that requires a keyboard
@Substring Hello all! What I should to do for entering into safe mode to change my /boot/config.txt? I tried to press Shift before the os is loaded, but it doesn't work... This method works great at past version.
@ledrunning Just let recalbox start, log in with SSH, type
mount -o remount, rw /boot
and then you can edit (via WinSCP seems the easiest) -
@substring said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
I try edit /boot/config.txt via Putty, but I see a message that file is read only...
@ledrunning You forgot the command I mentionned
@Ledrunning For your reference: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Make-a-partition-writable-(EN)
This Mini How-To is here for reading..believe it or not
@Substring Thank you! Everything works great!
In recalbox Manager, the CRC for dc_flash.bin is d6e11a23f1fa01cddb5dfccf7e4cc8d7. It's not the same in the faq.
@toniosj nevermind, te manager just handles 1 hash per file for now. But the DC accepts almost any valid bios
what kind of mame roms can be played at rpi2 ? 0.78 and ... what settings ?