Unsolved Script to turn off cooler
Is there any script to turn off the cooler when you request to turn off the recalbox?
@azvarel Coolers are usually plugged on the very first pins of a pi. These are always powered. What you'd want requires a GPIO script
@Substring I thought I could still do a script to turn it off and if I turned it on pins 17 and 20, the 17 still got direct power?
@azvarel pins noted as 5V or 3.3V most probably always deliver a voltage as long as the pi is plugged to a working power supply. So you need playing with programmable GPIO.
@Substring so I could play on any other GPIO pin and program on it?
I would like to give a voltage of 5v on any progrmado pin? Or is it not possible? -
@azvarel you could do something like I did some time ago..and then if you shut down your recalbox, just set the GPIO of the transistor to LOW.
But..a big BUT..I think the gpio has an undefined logic level if the software is shut down. Just try it out. I also need to check how mine is behaving
its a long time ago
@azvarel Setting a GPIO to a logical 1 level means outputting 3.3V i think. Beware of the current level, a GPIO can't deliver much
@lackyluuk said in Push button (ON/OFF) script problems?:
@PenPen: I am sorry for this way too late answer. Not sure if you need an answer anymore
Here is an example with GPIO pin 14 for controlling the fan. The indents might not be correct
I had a little trouble with copy/paste the code
Hope I can help you with this#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIOGPIO.setwarnings(False)
#Set max. temperature of CPU
ON_TIME = 200
#Set pin 14 as transistor gate
GATE = 14
#Set pin 14 as an output and shut down
GPIO.output(GATE, False)def getCPUtemperature():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))while True:
temp_float = float(getCPUtemperature()) try: if (temp_float > TEMP_MAX): # ein GPIO.output(GATE, True) time.sleep(ON_TIME) # aus GPIO.output(GATE, False) else: GPIO.output(GATE, False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print float(getCPUtemperature())
print "power off fan..."
GPIO.output(GATE, False)
print "cancelling..."Forgot to attach a short drawing. I used the official RaspberryPI 5V DC fan.
I will ask the questions here instead of being there.So I understood your script when it reaches a temperature it turns on the cooler, when it cools it turns off. it is?
@Substring I'm not a programmer, I'm afraid to do something and go wrong.
A more simple solution is to plug the fan cooler on the USB Connector. These one are stopped when the system stops.
@ian57 This idea is great, but I use the other ports for usb controllers, xbox360 receiver and are on the front of SNES
If I soldered the wires at the voltage points of the USB, would it have problem when plugging a controller or a usb key? If it does not give you trouble, I do it even easier for me.
If I do not have to follow the script of @lackyluuk, I just did not understand there in the diagram the why of having a transistor, for safety?
@azvarel; the transitor is for switch and safety. I don't think that standard GPIO can supply enough power to run your fan correctly. So we use the +5V directly from the power supply to power the fan, and the GPIO + transitor are making the script controllable switch.
Soldering to get only the power supply is a bit risky for the plugged element I think. A fan, is a motor, and it can have bad effects on it's power circuit. And the usb deliver at max 500mA. If you try to do that .. not on an usb key slot... try it on the usb snes controller slots... it uses less current ...
If someone elsehas an idea about that?
@ian57 so we went back to the script.
@azvarel @Substring just add a time.sleep(1) or (2) into the while() loop
Well, maybe i say a stupidity but with a thermal switch? It avoids the question of the script and you can choose one with a temperature of closing and opening of your choice.
@tikiandskull nothing is stupid, any idea is valid, where would you find this thermal switch?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from time import sleep
import signal
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIOpin = 27 # The pin ID, edit here to change it
maxTMP = 50 # The maximum temperature in Celsius after which we trigger the fan
sleepTime = 30 # The time to sleep between temp checksdef setup():
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
return()def getCPUtemperature():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
temp =(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))
print("temp is {0}".format(temp)) #Uncomment here for testing
return tempdef fanON():
print("Fan on ...")
return()def fanOFF():
print("Fan off ...")
return()def getTEMP():
CPU_temp = float(getCPUtemperature())
if CPU_temp > maxTMP:
sleep(sleepTime) # Sleep additional time in order to ensure that we stay below max temp ...
return()def setPin(mode): # A little redundant function but useful if you want to add logging
GPIO.output(pin, mode)
while True:
sleep(sleepTime) # Read the temperature every x amount of seconds ...
except KeyboardInterrupt: # trap a CTRL+C keyboard interrupt
GPIO.cleanup() # resets all GPIO ports used by this script -
With this transistor 2N4401 600 mA, 40V and 5v fan Works perfectly.