Close but I'm looking for help with having Analog joystick, or like this. Some way of getting this joy stick to interact with the Rasbery pii 3.
Recalbox Rasberry pi 3 and Analog joystick
Anyone know of a good tutorial to add Analog joysticks and small 16 mm and 12 mm buttons pretty much like a StreetFighter ll cabinet. I would also like to add a 5 inch hdmi powered screen for it as well. I've searched and it either requires Arduino or some odd set up and needs a breadboard. I'm looking for a cleaner soloution and more plug and play.
Something like this? -
Close but I'm looking for help with having Analog joystick, or like this. Some way of getting this joy stick to interact with the Rasbery pii 3.
@creaturefactory : you can use an analog PS2 joystick (see bangoog or aliexpress) and convert them to digital one to wire the controls on GPIO thnaks to an LM339 chip :
here is the schematic :
this helped me to build a small cabinet with a 3.2" tft screen :
Thanks this is awesome!!
@creaturefactory Yes I think so. It is the same type of joystick... only bigger