7 Feb 2017, 08:57

@Substring try this:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import os
import thread
import datetime
import socket
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from configgen import recalboxFiles
# this last one retrieves emulators bin names

PORTNUM = 55355
# IP and port for retroarch network commands

QUIT = 3

GPIO.setwarnings(False)		# no warnings
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)		# set up BCM GPIO numbering 
GPIO.setup(QUIT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
# GPIO on pin 3 is the GPIO 2 in BCM mode
#to Reset+

# Define a threaded callback function to run in another thread when events are detected  
def button_pressed(channel):
#	on quit press, trying to kill all listed emus 
def killthats**t(channel):
	if channel == QUIT:
		for bin in recalboxFiles.recalboxBins:
				print bin
				proc = os.path.basename(bin)
				print proc
				os.system("killall -9 "+proc)

# 	sending network command to retroarch (only exit and reset atm)		
def retroarch(nwcommand):
		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
	except socket.error:
		print 'Failed to create socket'
	s.sendto(nwcommand, (IPADDR, PORTNUM))

GPIO.add_event_detect(QUIT, GPIO.BOTH, callback=button_pressed, bouncetime=2)
while True: