@subs @Dom I think we can recommand all the screen we have tested successfully.
Actually I had good results with these 2 SPI tft screen:
- ADAFRUIT PITFT - 320X240 2.8" TFT+TOUCHSCREEN FOR RASPBERRY PI https://www.adafruit.com/product/1601 ~35€
- 3.2inch RPi LCD (B), 320×240 SKU: 3.2inch RPi LCD (B) Brand: Waveshare http://www.waveshare.com/product/modules/oleds-lcds/raspberry-pi-lcd/3.2inch-rpi-lcd-b.htm from banggood http://www.banggood.com/3_2-Inch-TFT-LCD-Display-Module-Touch-Screen-For-Raspberry-Pi-B-B-A-p-1011516.html
the 3.5 inch 3.5 Inch 320 X 480 TFT LCD Display Touch Board For Raspberry Pi 2 Model B & RPI B+ is not suitable. The resolution is too high the the SPI bus bandwith. The result is Low fps ~ 20.
see the comparison video here https://youtu.be/HJXQAEaVhKE and https://youtu.be/hcFk_vjQLVo
For SPI screen, you cannot have a higher resolution than 320x240 to keep a good fps. These SPI screen needs the fbcp programm to get display on the tft screen by copying the HDMI Framebuffer output /dev/fb0 on the tft output /dev/fb1
This DPI screen is working like a charm without fbcp Geekwrom HD 3.5 Inch TFT Display Shield 800x480 For Raspberry Pi 3B 2B With 2 Keys And Remote IR http://www.banggood.com/Geekwrom-HD-3_5-Inch-TFT-Display-Shield-800x480-For-Raspberry-Pi-3B-2B-With-2-Keys-And-Remote-IR-p-1069730.html. The use of the DPI bus allows us to avoid the use of fbcp. The framerate is very good. no lag see the video https://youtu.be/qKdItNspYVM
I'm actually working on the fbcp package and the documentation in the video mini-howto section