@ian57 we need your lights !
Buy DPI display in Recalstor
Hi all,
I would like to support the project and buy in the recalstore.
However I would like to buy this display:
http://www.banggood.com/de/Geekwrom-HD-3_5-Inch-TFT-Display-Shield-800x480-For-Raspberry-Pi-3B-2B-With-2-Keys-And-Remote-IR-p-1069730.htmlafter seeing this video:
because I want to build a mobile device.
Will you soon offer a complete set for mobile recalboxes?
Dom -
I have no idea if banggood has any kind of partnership like amazon does. With the number of tft screens around, hard to recommend any. For now we just point to the official pi screen
We are working on easing the use of gpio screen, a wiki is being written until it's fully integrated inside recalbox
Thanks for the info. I will try the 4.1 version of recalbox he uses in the video with a dpi display.
However, there seem to be only a small number of DPI displays. When searching I could only find the one he mentions in the video via banggood. -
Do you mean Yann Morere's youtube channel ?
@Dom What I also can recommend is this: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2300
@subs maybe you can add a screen like this to the recalstore? It works like a charm
@subs yes, that is channel where I saw the video.
@lackyluuk thanks for the tip. However, in my recent project I need a 3.5 display. I will build it into an old game gear housing...
Starting with 5" there are tons of HDMI screens.By the way, do you have any idea on how to provide two HDMI outputs? One of an integrated 5" screen and one for an external TV?
Dom -
@dom Yann Morere is the guy currently workingon the FBCP project for such displays, and also writing the wikis on the subject. Join IRC and try to talk with him rather (there is a link on the top bar)
@ian57 we need your lights !
@subs @Dom I think we can recommand all the screen we have tested successfully.
Actually I had good results with these 2 SPI tft screen:
- ADAFRUIT PITFT - 320X240 2.8" TFT+TOUCHSCREEN FOR RASPBERRY PI https://www.adafruit.com/product/1601 ~35€
- 3.2inch RPi LCD (B), 320×240 SKU: 3.2inch RPi LCD (B) Brand: Waveshare http://www.waveshare.com/product/modules/oleds-lcds/raspberry-pi-lcd/3.2inch-rpi-lcd-b.htm from banggood http://www.banggood.com/3_2-Inch-TFT-LCD-Display-Module-Touch-Screen-For-Raspberry-Pi-B-B-A-p-1011516.html
the 3.5 inch 3.5 Inch 320 X 480 TFT LCD Display Touch Board For Raspberry Pi 2 Model B & RPI B+ is not suitable. The resolution is too high the the SPI bus bandwith. The result is Low fps ~ 20.
see the comparison video here https://youtu.be/HJXQAEaVhKE and https://youtu.be/hcFk_vjQLVo
For SPI screen, you cannot have a higher resolution than 320x240 to keep a good fps. These SPI screen needs the fbcp programm to get display on the tft screen by copying the HDMI Framebuffer output /dev/fb0 on the tft output /dev/fb1
This DPI screen is working like a charm without fbcp Geekwrom HD 3.5 Inch TFT Display Shield 800x480 For Raspberry Pi 3B 2B With 2 Keys And Remote IR http://www.banggood.com/Geekwrom-HD-3_5-Inch-TFT-Display-Shield-800x480-For-Raspberry-Pi-3B-2B-With-2-Keys-And-Remote-IR-p-1069730.html. The use of the DPI bus allows us to avoid the use of fbcp. The framerate is very good. no lag see the video https://youtu.be/qKdItNspYVM
I'm actually working on the fbcp package and the documentation in the video mini-howto section
Hi ian57,
thanks for the info! That is pretty much, what took me hours to seek and find
According to this:
there should be a plurality of different possible displays. As I wrote, I am especially interesetd in a 3,5" display and will get the one you mentioned. Is there anything I have to do to get it working or will it work out of the box?If you need support for testing different displays I could also get other displays and we could coordinate the efforts.
Just let me know if you want any help.
Dom -
the only thing to do with the HD 3,5 inch tft screen is to add this config in config.txt file
#3.5 HD tft screen 800x480
hdmi_timings=480 0 16 16 24 800 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 6
display_rotate=3and all is done. I'm going to write documentation about these screen