Hi everyone, I've been through all the shaders, which are coming with recalbox and most of them are really cool, but is there any way to get a CRT distortion like in the "CRT Geom Bloom" Shader for M.A.M.E? I really would like to have that CRT feeling again. I'm running a Pi3 with recalbox 4 on a 19" 1280x1024 TFT LCD. See attachment for my desired output.
CRT Shaders | Geom Bloom
Hi everyone, I've been through all the shaders, which are coming with recalbox and most of them are really cool, but is there any way to get a CRT distortion like in the "CRT Geom Bloom" Shader for M.A.M.E? I really would like to have that CRT feeling again. I'm running a Pi3 with recalbox 4 on a 19" 1280x1024 TFT LCD. See attachment for my desired output.
Solved it. I extracted the attached zip to /recalbox/share_init/shaders and added the following lines to /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf ## Default Shader for MAME mame.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi.glslp
Nice ! Maybe you can ask the team to integrate this shader ?
That just has been done by you
and yes, the shader is awesome! I even made it the default shader for all FBA, FBA_Libretro and MAME Games. There are so many shaders already implemented in recalbox and just because I have a "special taste" for certain things doesn't mean they should be available for everyone, but of course: If more people would like to have it out of the box, go for it. @rockaddicted? @retroboy?
Salut oui bien sur nous allons l'intégrer. Tu pourrais faire une issue sur github avec le shader en pièce jointe ? Je m'occupe de l'intégrer. Ou alors si tu sais modifiée directement le système tu peux faire une pull request où si t'as envie d'apprendre passe sur irc on t'expliquera comment contribuer directement.
Lol back in English. So of course we will add it to recalbox. You can either: Create a new issue on github joining the shader file. I will integrate it. Create a pull request if you already know how to do. Or come on irc if you want to know more about how you can contribute directly:) Thanks
add into recalbox next build : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-buildroot/commit/b9259767cbfb04c7e4a7b277cd947c24e476ba1c
That is KILLER! Thanks for the info.
How do I add in FBA LIBRETRO ??? Thank you!
Hello @Moris add to recalbox.conf : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/recalbox.conf-(EN)
Isn't it more like : fba.shaders= with the path from first post ?
Yes you can configure directly the shaders in recalbox.conf, that is simpler than create a specific configuration file. https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Shaders-configuration-(EN)
Thanks but I have not figured out how to do ?? I go recalbox.conf and then where and what to write for FBA ibreto ??? I have to give a command to crt-pi.glsl ??? Excuse my inexperience thanks to all!
sorry but this command can add anywhere ??? fba.shaders = / recalbox / share / shaders / shaders_glsl / crt-pi.glsl I do not understand I'm a wimp
I have done so it is correct ??? Thank you
# ------------ I - Emulators CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the example snes ; Snes.videomode CEA = 4 HDMI snes.core = snes9x_next ; Snes.shaders = / recalbox / share / shaders / shaders_glsl / mysnesshader.gplsp ; Snes.ratio = 16/9 ; Snes.smooth = 0 ; Snes.rewind = 1 ; Snes.autosave = 0 ; Snes.emulator = libretro fba.shaders = / recalbox / share / shaders / shaders_glsl / crt-pi.glsl ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator: ; Snes.configfile = / path / to / my / configfile.cfg
Hi Moris! You .conf is almost good, but leave the blanks out! It's not: fba.shaders = / recalbox / share / shaders / shaders_glsl / crt-pi.glsl but # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI snes.core=snes9x_next ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 snes.smooth=1 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.autosave=0 snes.emulator=default ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator : ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## Default Shader for MAME mame.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi.glslp ## Default Shader for FBA and FBA_LIBRETRO fbalibretro.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi.glslp fba.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi.glslp This configuration is for recalbox v4 and the unzipped folder structure should be /recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi.glslp /recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi-barrel.glslp /recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-pi-mask.glslp and /recalbox/share_init/shaders/shaders/crt-pi.glsl /recalbox/share_init/shaders/shaders/crt-pi-barrel.glsl /recalbox/share_init/shaders/shaders/crt-pi-mask.glsl