News: Recalbox 6.2, or 6.3, or... well, the next version!
@OyyoDams said in News: Recalbox 6.2, or 6.3, or... well, the next version!:
Will we need to download any new romset (for example MAME)?
As always, if MAME is b*mped, then you should update your romset. Please check the changelog when available.
Will we need to download new bios files?
You'll be able to check within Recalbox interface if all your bios files are up to date.
Will we need to do a new scrap for all we already have?
Last time fresh install? Is there hope for a smooth pi3b+ to pi4 transition in the future?
@Zemus that's a completly different board...
So first of all this is great news! I do have one request. It would be nice to have an easy way to manage Hi Res textures for cores that support them (im thinking specifically lr-mupen64plus/next) maybe by uploading them in the web UI (or some other even more fancy sorcery [or sourcery])
Support for the OGST gaming case would also be very nice (i know its out there but it would be cool if it were baked in)
I can test Xu4 stuff also if needed. I am a system engineer so i try to provide solutions when possible and accurate bug reports when not.
This is fantastic news! Can't wait
You are all awesome
@Zaphod managing n64 got in general much much easier. Although I havenโt tested hi_res on recalbox, I recently worked on setting the right paths for every plugin and stuff.
I'm also looking forward for the new version! I wish it had PS2 emulation... Thanks!
No Raspberry pi 4 for the next release !?
All the major retro gaming teams have officialy rolled-out a beta version compatible with pi 4 : Lakka, Batocera, and retropie (since yesterday).
When will my favorite one, Racalbox be compatible ?Some games still need more power than a Pi3b+ could provide and my Pi4 is still sleeping in a drawer
By the way many thanks to the team for the great work
@stefor It's not an easy task, and the support of the other retro systems are not total.
Let them time, and I think there will be some great features with the support of the new board ! -
@paradadf I figured out high res textures through a series of trial and error tests ( i had never tried it before)
see my post here would be really nice if the web management console provided some assistance though. I had to manually create some folders and read up on the emulator to figure it out.
Did we come up with a code name yet?
i was thinking this way...We are all waiting for it
We are all excited about it
A lot of really smart people are working on it.
When it finally arrives it will make our lives more enjoyable.
It's arrival will be heralded around the world as one of the greatest triumphs of mankind....
Ok maybe i'm going a little overboard with this one...CODE NAME: "Vaccine"
WOW! Impressive list of changes and additions. You are creating a great hype. THANK YOU
My doubts:
- I can read the possibility to create new virtual systems by genre. Can be customized by the user? for example: pinb***s, space ships, adult...
- Could be possible videosnaps with sound enable/disable?
Thx again.
@RetroVadus Games by Genre is a great idea actually.
Beat em Up
@Zaphod through the web, hi_res textures won't be manageable in the short term, but the folders will be created automatically on the next version.
What a pleasure to read all this ! Well done you all !
What version of Kodi will be in the next version please? If 18.x, will it include inputstream adaptative library, so we can use the Netflix add-on ? Very specific question I imagine, and I will understand it is not the priority.
Thanks in advance -
Please don't take this comment as a dig on the developers or a demand for anything:
Can someone explain to me why it takes so long to develop recalbox for RP4? I am genuinely curious and want to learn more about how these systems are developed. I figured since this is a Linux-based OS and the raspberry pi is so well-documented i'd figured it wouldn't be that different from previous versions of the Pi.
Again, this is just to further my understanding. I know this forum has a lot of ungrateful j**ks, please don't consider me and this post one of them. I've actually taken a big interest in Linux as a direct result of Recalbox and Raspberry Pis. I just would love to know why support for the 4 is taking a bit longer to develop than, say, the transition from 2 to 3.
And if this post may be out of line, feel free to tell me, ignore me or delete it. I don't need an entire thread locked up because of me.
We know you're all impatient
Be sure we're all working hard to make the next version a killer version! And keep in mind it's a free project and we're all working on our free time.Since the first post, many things have been improved and some new features have been added (I can't reveal anything, we've to keep some kind of surprise!)
However, there are still some R&D in progress and if we're lucky, there could be even more -
@sag508 Well I'll try to explain.
First of all, from the system point of view, the Pi4 is not a standard Linux. But it's also no longer a Pi like all the previous models.
Then, Recalbox is based on Buildroot, a tool to build linux systems from scratch. It took about 8 month to buildroot to update all necessary packages to fully support the Pi4 software layers.That is, in Recalbox, we had to:
- Consider the Pi4 as a new board, not a classic Pi3 update.
- Update Buildroot (and believe me, that's all but an easy task!)
- Update linux Kernel (and adjust some code to update deprecated stuff as in our GPIO drivers)
- Adjust all our "root" packages: SDL2, Retroarch, ...
- Adjust all standalone emulators: PPSSPP, mupen64, ...
- Write specific script or code here and there to adjust existing stuff (It takes ages to test everything...)
- TEST everything on the Pi4
- RE-TEST everything on all boards because a Buildroot b*mp may have unexpected side-effects!
We've now someone in the team with extremely impressive Buildroot skills, and the Pi4 is on rails. But we can't give any ETA yet.
@Bkg2k thanks for the readers digest version! Definitely helpful to get a grasp on what needs to get done. I knew you guys had your work cut out for you, I just didn't realize it was this intense. I appreciate all the work you guys are doing for this wonderful project! Looking forward to...whatever you're calling it!