Hello All
New version available :
- v (05/18/18)
- It is possible to move the roms from one system to another and keeping the scrape informations via the button "Move to folder. Attention it is necessary that the destination folder is the root of the destination system folder
- v (05/12/2018)
- change processing for .scummvm files so that the sleeve is directly visible under recalbox without having to validate the game to show information. (Anto64 suggestion)
see https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/ScummVM-(EN) - update manual MD5 processing : now on a search with a MD5 entered manually, the platform is no longer passed as a parameter in the request. So you can grab informations from the same game on other platform
- fixed a bug on Folders tag in XML (Thanks VirusMan)
- fixed a bug in the renaming and moving of roms (dos / scummvm)
- Fixed a bug when refreshing the datagrid during a move of roms in another directory
- added a button 'Screenscraper' in the groupbox "Roms Information", to open the Screenscraper page of the platform concerned to the first letter of the name of the game
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager