My Antivirus keeps deleting the exe file recently. Even if I say to ignore it.
Posts made by gmgman
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
RE: Speicherort der Saves / Spielstände finden und ändern
@drpain ja genau. Entweder du schreibst folgende 3 Zeilen drunter:
sharenetwork_smb2=BIOS@,password=recalbox sharenetwork_smb3=SAVES@,password=recalboxdann werden auf deinem NAS die entsprechenden Verzeichnisse angelegt wenn nicht bereits vorhanden.
Oder den ganzen Share
sharenetwork_smb1=SHARE@,password=recalboxDie IP-Adress musst du natürlich mit der deines NAS ersetzen, das selbe für username/password wenn du es anders hast als im Bsp.
RE: Speicherort der Saves / Spielstände finden und ändern
Das müsste gehen wenn du Version 4.1 auf beiden hast.
in der Datei /boot/recalbox-boot.conf auf beiden recalboxes muss aber auf das SAVES Verzeichnis hingewiesen werden:
sharenetwork_smb2=SAVES@,password=recalboxOder den ganzen Share Ordner angeben, wenn die komplette Struktur auf dem NAS übernommen werden soll.
RE: [4.1-stable] Loading roms from a network shared folder does not work with 4.1 commands.
I have a question about wired mounting, the wiki says
sharenetwork_<nfs|smb><[0-9]>=<SHARE|ROMS|SAVES|BIOS>@<NAS>:<shared folder>:<options>Mounting It worrks for me if I use SMB,password=recalboxbut when I try the eqivalent with NFS,password=recalboxit will not mount. I have NFS enabled for my recalbox share. Any idea why it does not work?
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb nice! very well done! thanks very much buddy
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb sure, here is my snes gamelist -
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
I have another idea. now that you can display the list by rom name, would it be possible to also have an optional setting to show subfolders in the listbox like "/#Japan/" etc. instead of just ""? that way the list could be sorted by subfoldername and I find all roms within a subfolder easily. (if you wonder about the #, I used the # as a prefix in the foldername to have the subfolders displayed on top in Emulation Station)
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
the latest release was missing the dlls fpr scraping
RE: Roms sur NAS et Pi en Wifi
@brigitte-bedo I have the NesPi case too and would like to know how to load roms from a NAS via WiFi. please share your solution when you know more.
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb great! no worries, sure take your time I'm/we're not in a rush
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb I have a questions about scraping. Is there a way to scrape by Name rather than CRC checksum on Screenscraper? I have a bunch of roms that are translated/hacked etc. and there is no way to find the original game's artwork with those if they are not in the Screenscraper db. e.g. I have this snes rom "Dragon Quest I & II (J) [T+Eng 100% 2.0DWu1_RPGOne].zip" but scraping does nothing, because it is a patched rom (it is translated + the checksum was corrected) and this version is not in the database. Or is there a way to submit the CRC/MD5 to screenscraper? I don't see one...
edit: an idea, maybe you could do this if scraping by name is not possible:
if the user clicks the scrape button a popup shows up where the user decides to scrape automatically or manually, if manually, the user must enter a CRC, MD5 or SHA1. that way i could copy a valid CRC form a game I want to scrape from the Screen scraper website and artwork/info will be found. -
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb awesome this is great news. One thing I notice now is that if I scrape and it doesn't find anything, the application goes to the background, if I click the ok button in the popup. Not sure if that is intended.
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb great, I hope you find the issue. I'm on Win10 also.
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb if I check the proxy checkbox and don't enter any proxy and then try to scrape the application crashes and I need to open the Windows task manager to shut it down.
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@myjosito I've tried. Nothing helps. I have perfectly fine internet connection, I'm not using any proxy or vpn. Universal xml scraper scrapes without troubles. It's hard to tell what the issue is on my end if I don't know what the actual error is. I'm on Windows 10 btw, but I guess everyone using this tool here is as well..
RE: Adding Filename To Game Info User Interface
I second this request, it's a pain to not know the filename in case you have the same title multiple times.
@tdelios you should try
it's a very handy tool to keep your gamelists tidy. also, I requested the filename to be displayed from the programmer and he was kind enough to implement this feature. I think it wouldn't hurt to have it displayed in recalbox/EmulationStation also -
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb now that you say it, it could be the firewall? each time I open a new verison of your tool, my antivirus program says the exe file could be a virus or something and I chose 'open anyways'. I have to investigate further, but it says the same for Universal XML scraper and scraping was never a problem with it...
RE: [SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb sounds great.
do you log the actions in the application somewhere? you should catch the exception somewhere and write to a log file or display the error message.