[SOFT] GameList Editor
@neeeeb now that you say it, it could be the firewall? each time I open a new verison of your tool, my antivirus program says the exe file could be a virus or something and I chose 'open anyways'. I have to investigate further, but it says the same for Universal XML scraper and scraping was never a problem with it...
I really don't know what to say or where to look ^^
This morning I've tried it on 3 more computers without being able to reproduce your problem, except if I willingly f*** up the connection by entering some random parameters for the proxy, or by disabling entirely the internet connection.
And all my research about that "socket error 10061" with Indy Delphi component give the same result :- Bad proxy settings
- No internet
- Port blocked by a Firewall
- Server overloaded...
It's always a connection problem as you can see.
PS: Avast is also bugging me with that virus thing every time I build a new version, but it's virus free guaranteed ^^
@gmgman and what happen if you close your AV, and/or your FW only for a while. Just to test if the program can access the server ?
@myjosito I've tried. Nothing helps. I have perfectly fine internet connection, I'm not using any proxy or vpn. Universal xml scraper scrapes without troubles. It's hard to tell what the issue is on my end if I don't know what the actual error is. I'm on Windows 10 btw, but I guess everyone using this tool here is as well..
As I said earlier, you're not getting a random error message.
When you see this message it's because I have caught the exception...
Your error message is specifically linked to the "10061 error socket" exception.
Even when debugging on my end, I don't get more details than this exception message and it's pretty clear in the component documentation : couldn't establish a connection with the server due to one of the things I said before.
Just out of curiosity and to be sure, are you sure didn't check the box "use a proxy" in the network settings ?
That's really annoying me because I don't like to leave customers with a "bug" if I can call it a bug... -
@neeeeb if I check the proxy checkbox and don't enter any proxy and then try to scrape the application crashes and I need to open the Windows task manager to shut it down.
Ok, you found a little bug that I've fixed ^^ (empty proxy port made the application crash).
And I have found a Win10 computer at work where I can reproduce your problem, so I may be able to fix it now. -
@neeeeb great, I hope you find the issue. I'm on Win10 also.
I have released a new version :
https://github.com/NeeeeB/GameList_Editor/releases/tag/v0.9.7-betaMissing dll was the culprit.
Every computer I tested it on had them installed, except for the last one...
Took a bit of time to find what was causing this but it's fixed and I'm happy, and sorry for the inconvenience...
PS: of course you don't have to check the proxy checkbox if you don't use a proxy (but this bug is fixed too btw). -
@neeeeb awesome this is great news. One thing I notice now is that if I scrape and it doesn't find anything, the application goes to the background, if I click the ok button in the popup. Not sure if that is intended.
Yep I'm aware of this.
It's a problem of processing windows message while scraping, which "kills" the application repaint in the background (I might be too technical ahah).
I've tried to find a workaround but didn't put so much time on it, because I really wanted to fix your scraping bug ^^
I'll give it another go next week(might just be a simple call to repaint or refresh at a certain time on the main window).
PS: scraping might seem long on some games but it has to calculate the CRC checksum, and then scrape every picture, which can take some time when there are a lot of pictures available for the game.
EDIT: Ok, that's fixed ahah (app going to background), it will be included in the next release
@neeeeb I have a questions about scraping. Is there a way to scrape by Name rather than CRC checksum on Screenscraper? I have a bunch of roms that are translated/hacked etc. and there is no way to find the original game's artwork with those if they are not in the Screenscraper db. e.g. I have this snes rom "Dragon Quest I & II (J) [T+Eng 100% 2.0DWu1_RPGOne].zip" but scraping does nothing, because it is a patched rom (it is translated + the checksum was corrected) and this version is not in the database. Or is there a way to submit the CRC/MD5 to screenscraper? I don't see one...
edit: an idea, maybe you could do this if scraping by name is not possible:
if the user clicks the scrape button a popup shows up where the user decides to scrape automatically or manually, if manually, the user must enter a CRC, MD5 or SHA1. that way i could copy a valid CRC form a game I want to scrape from the Screen scraper website and artwork/info will be found. -
Well, scraping is still under development in my application.
For the moment you can only scrape pictures but I'm working on adding the possibility to scrape infos too.
I'll see what I can do about scraping by name, but I need to ask the API maintainer if it's possible (and it could be really less accurate).
Btw if I can't add this option, I'll consider adding the option to enter a CRC manually (or anything that can help you find the games you want).
This won't be in a near future though, I am on a big project at work and it takes almost all my time, including my free time...
I won't be "free" until December.
So for the moment I'll just focus on fixing small bugs.
But it's now on the todo list -
@neeeeb great! no worries, sure take your time I'm/we're not in a rush
Nice one, but question. Is it possible to add "scrape description" ?or other missing element?
Select your filter <missing description> and then scrape description beside each missing game?P.S
Also "scrape closed for non subscribers"
Can we get option to use our user name and pass for scrape?p.p.s
option to exlude -image ,- marquee, -video
from newly scraped files with ur tool -
For the first one : Read a few posts above, scraping is still under construction, what you want will come in a near future.For the second : it's already there, check under options/network/configure
And the third, I don't understand what you mean ahah
Salut @NeeeeB
Question stp: est-ce qu'il y aurait moyen avec ton programme de selectionner plusieurs jeux dans la liste et de les mettre en une seule fois, à la volée, en "caché" ?
J'ai plus de 7700 roms dans un systeme, et les faire 1 à 1 pour les mettre en caché (disc 1-FaceB, disc 2-Face A, ...etc) je vais en avoir pour la journée...si tu as une astuce, je suis preneur
Pas possible pour le moment.
Je pourrais éventuellement ajouter cette option, mais ça va m'obliger à changer pas mal de trucs à d'autres endroits.
Et là dans l'immédiat je n'ai pas du tout le temps de me pencher sur ce genre de fonctionnalité, pas avant début décembre maheureusement. -
pas de soucis, j'y vais à la mimine.
C'etait juste pour être certain de ne pas passer à coté de qqch qui existe déjà ! -
J'ai eu un peu de temps aujourd'hui, donc j'ai pu ajouter ta demande.
Donc nouvelle version 0.9.8-beta :
https://github.com/NeeeeB/GameList_Editor/releases/tag/v0.9.8-betaUne fois la sélection effectuée, les options sont dans le menu "Actions/Sélection"
PS: comme déjà précisé auparavant, je n'ajouterai pas la fonction de suppression de jeu à la multisélection, pour éviter les gestes malheureux qui pourraient bousiller un romset ^^
La multisélection ne servira donc que pour ajouter/supprimer des jeux aux cachés/favoris "en masse".