New Sega related customized Splash Video
@clarion Very nice!
Too bad it is Master System as I am building a Megadrive
Nice, but showing the recalbox logo would make it even nicer
but the Recalbox logo appears in the blending to the Recalbox loading Screen.
Hello @clarion
how to create your splash video ? open source software ?I think you must delete white background in sega logo.
Very Nice !An idea hihi
@acris Awesome ^^
Thank you
The Software was Adobe After Effects. But I have to confess, this were my first steps with the Software... to add audioeffects, I used Adobe Premiere. So I have much to learn, cause After Effects can be a mighty tool, but I feel like a magician apprentice -
So many proprietary software to make a splash video... on a free software system .... that's non sense
Please, don't tell me you're the kind of guy who thinks Gimp is as powerful as Photoshop ^^ -
@neb hahaha troll spotted ^^
@ian57 what software open souce it s the same quality as adobe premiere ?
@acris I honestly don't think there is any.
this looks interesting. how and where do I place splash videos? what format should they be?
The format of choice is 1920x 1080 mp4, maybe other formats will work but I don't have tested anything else
the length should not be more than 31 seconds cause the recalbox Os will after this period blend over to the white Recalbox loading screen.Sorry for using proprietary software, but it was easy cause I have used this software before and it's amazing cause you can jump between programs back and forth to test something. I really recommend the adobe bundle for their mighty tools . Sorry again for advertising.
@clarion you don't have to apologize. You have just answered what we asked
and the result looks great.
I would love to see more customized splash screens here for recalboxkeep on your good work
@neb @acris for the price of free software... you'll get really amazing tools compare to what you'll get with this amount in the case of a proprietary one ;). I cannot afford to pay (and don't want to use) for a complete adobe bundle to make a little video of 20s... so I use free software, and they'll do the job., Of course I you can take advantage of a Job licence... it's another story...
I know that they are professionnal tools, and are great with lots of "one click amazing stuff"... but they are not free
You can test kdenlive, Cinnelera Openshot... and sure you will prefer adobe products.. because the way of freedom is not the easiest one !.... dark side is the easiest
The 4.1 splash intro was made using Blender, and only Blender ... What do you think of it ?
I have to admit that Blender might be one of these free tools that is as efficient as paid tools of the same category. -
trooooolllllllll spotted
Spotting "potential" trolls (which are not btw) could be considered as a troll itself ^^ -
Woah, whats up with you guys?
(imagined or real) Trolls, the everlasting fight between the light and the dark side and a (don't get me wrong, but in this thread completely unnecessary )Discussion about free and proprietary Soft.
Is this still my "I want to show you my first little attempt of splashvideo" thread?Im a little afraid of entering this thread again, cause maybe next week, I found myself in the middle of "Opinionwars I, The Clash of Freesoft vs Commercialsoft"
Please can we say, that everybody is free to use the software he or she wants to use?