8 Feb 2017, 16:07

If your CRT isn't too old, there's pehaps a hidden menu. On my 33cm WALTHAM (11AK57 chassis), i must :

  • Open the menu : MENU KEY
  • Hit : 4, 7, 2, 5
    And the hidden config menu appear.

I can't tell you if your CRT have this menu and how open it.
On most CRT, you must : Open menu and enter a code (as me 4725).
Be carefoul, it's hard to understand all parameters.

You must looking for on line for code and/or try all codes you can find.


I sorted all my MAME games by resolutions and by frequency.
You can see, i must use a lot (more 40) of resolution/frequancy.
And remember, here there no vertical games.
text alternatif
1st ligne, 224p is vertical resolution (no need honrizontal resolution).
And 60 is frequency (60Hz).

We can bring together some frequency.
60.096154 is near 60.
But there is some specific resolutions as : 57.444853Hz.

Is it near 55Hz or 60Hz ?
I think, games up to 240p must be 60Hz and over 240p, 55Hz.
And this : 27.407585Hz and 76.293945Hz ?

And FBA ??!!

Work begin...