Recalbox 18.04.20 is out!
Thank you !
Yay, great work! Thanks!
Nice work guys. The only things that keeps me from migration is the lack of videosnaps. I don't understand that... Why?
@martin-steiner because we are waiting that you add it to the system...
I can download it now, great !
Merci pour votre constant travail. J'ai découvert par hasard Recalbox, il y a quelques semaines, et depuis je me replonge dans les jeux de mes 13ans... formidable machine à remonter le temps. -
My post from 5 minutes ago has vanished?
I was asking @substring if the fatal memory leak bug was fixed in this release, as it was mentioned last week someone had discovered a fix just after it looked like it might take a while to track down.
Cheers! -
Looks like there is a regression with XU4. It boots and works fine until i set up external storage (128GB USB3), then on reboot i get stuck on the boot screen (the one with date on bottom left and small logo at bottom center). I did not have this issue with previous versions.
The problem appears both when doing an in place upgrade (in which case it gets stuck after reboot as i had external storage already set up) and with a brand new image (after setting up the storage as external). -
@rustymg @supernature2k should know
on my side after testing dozens of games on fba_libretro and then mame, I saw the thermometer icon appear indicating the pi was overheating, didn't appear in previous version, but we'll see
Great update, really appreciate your work.
I have noticed some points- Pop-Up messages could be visible a little bit longer. They dissapear quite fast
- My clock in the main menu is 2h behind. Is it my Raspi which is somehow wrong? Isnt it possible to have the clock on the front view? (Where you see the systems, maybe with the current date)
- This is maybe a bug: If I go to advanced settings and i move to the VRAM settings, the cursor just move further, just like I would keep my button pressed. It happens only on the vram entry in both directions. Can somebody confirm this?
yes, the same for me. clock and moving -
@lackyluuk only @supernature2k can
Holy f***!
Battery status isn't even at the changelog and arrived on this version. You guys rock!!!
Thanks for all your hard work with this wonderful project!
I‘m not sure this happened on the previous version (probably), but I just noticed you don‘t get the restart, shut down and fast shut down icons when you press START and QUIT, but you see the icons when you just press SELECT.
And my clock is showing a wrong time altough my timezone is properly configured on recalbox.conf.
@butch2k I let it run all night long and it finally booted up. Looks like there is some kind of rom scanning or something which takes a hell lot of time.
I have problem with the last update. I have a problem with the last update. When I change the theme to the classic interface, the raspberry freezes and I have to unplug it as it does not respond. For it to work I have to keep the Next theme.
@voljega Ahhhh, thats right - it was @supernature2k that said "Ah ah clever man knows where to get info
Yes the fix will be included in next release coming anytime soon"
Hope the fix is an undocumented addition to this release -
@rustymg some ppl forgot to cireectly amebd the changelog
Merci pour cette maj
Vous avez déjà des idées d'utilisation des messages popups ?