[4.1-Unstable] Update Manualy - Servers offs
@pablo-macaluso Nope, steal dealing with some problems here and there
Do you think to launch 4.1, first days it will be available, in torrent?
@jesús-bl 4.1 will be available as a regular update and as a stand alone on github.
@substring OK, I give you this idea to help to download the new version first days.
We all start downloading the new version as soon as it will be available and server may be saturated. -
@jesús-bl we've already thought about this. But this would require you to move the files by yourself on your recalbox. That's not something we expect users to do. The "real" interesting thing would be that recalbox's seed the update. But this can't be done in 4.0 nor in 4.1. Would take too much time to set all this up
@substring You could seed the img instead of files ?
@voljega The img can't be used for an upgrade
@substring yeah but there a handfull of people who will not care installing from scratch the 4.1 version and this could releave the server's charge a lot.
This could also be a solution for the current unavailability of the latest unstable
@voljega we can't have several irons in the fire, one step after an other. You do know we are very few to develop this. We wouldn't want to have recalbox on a public tracker, s this would mean to set up our own ... agani some time to spend on something else than the core of recalbox ... But anyway, we've discussed about torrents, that's something we may get into
@substring Why not calling the coming release 5.0 ? You know, the change is huge enough.
@styletwo-wan we're modest
we have some very big changes to come in the versions after 4.1
Lacking support for the built-in Bluetooth on the Pi3, the current 4.0.2 is simply not an option. So I ask:Do you have an ETA for 4.1? Days? Weeks? A month? Several Months? A year?
What is the current state of development? Unstable seems to have been an alpha of some kind, or was it what you would consider a beta? Are you currently working on non-public RCs, or how am I supposed to understand the hints of this magical "soon-to-be released wonder of all things that will be 4.1" without needing any more community input?
I'm just trying to understand and weigh my options: invest a little more time now to set up the complicated but powerful RetroPie or live with an incomplete RetroPie for a short time and then soon move to a hassle free RecalBox.
Your work is much appreciated, provided that I can actually make use of it...
@imforumman you know that anyway the built-in bluetooth of the pi is so s**tty that it causes noticeable input lag right ?
So anyway better use a dedicated dongle for bluetooth and then you can use 4.0.2 and wait patiently for 4.1.0 like everyone without ever needing to post passive-agressive messages as if the recalbox team owed you anything
@imforumman whoah dude - don't dare ask questions some of the mods don't like or you get accused of having an attitude!
Rockadicted said only the other week about me " Everytime you post on forum you take pleasure to spit on project and so team members...@digitalLumberjack explained in a post the remaining job to do, but you continue in this same way The next time I will have to take action... I'm really tired with this kind of attitude."
Clearly, anyone is free too read ALL my posts and see if I actually contribute or just moan like Rockaddicted claims...
Their attitude sometimes is, well, I think you can draw your own conclusions from the above.
Again, read all my posts and see for yourself.....With regards to your post, I don't know if English isnt their first language and something was lost in translation, but I too was puzzled with a few posts.
I thought 4.1 final would be, well, 4.1 beta either "signed off" or with a few minor tweaks, but a few posts from the mods to me indicated further changes / additions. But if that's the case surely these would need tested, hence become another beta? (I hope I've explained that okay). It didn't make sense to me. A beta becomes final - additions or changes....who has tested these?
Maybe I'm over analysing what they said.I'm the mods defence though they are spot on re server issues.
The second 4.1 becomes "final", everyone whose setup is on auto update will be on their server instantly trying to download huge amounts if data. It will go into memtdown, as the bandwidth required for the thousands of users trying to upload, as already stated, Will be huge. -
@rustymg you are unbelievable...
@paradadf. What?!
You have read my entire post? (I originally hit submit before finishing it in error). -
@imforumman Dude, your comment is rather harsh ... The pi3 internal BT sucks, you'll be quite disappointed.
Now for the delay : I guess most of the recalbox part is done now. Just missing some deployment stuff + prepare communication. How long will it take ? No idea, it all depends on people's free time ...
Dudes... (isn't that so 90s?)
LOL, guess you know your way around these forums and this project.- The comment wasn't meant to be harsh. As I have participated in quite a few open source projects, and at a very previous point in my life earned a few bucks with software development, I'm just familiar with the usual mode of development: closed alphas, sometimes open alphas, sometimes closed betas, open betas, open release candidates and then a release. I didn't, and still don't understand, the development and release cycle of this project, and since this helps me decide whether to wait for a certain project or version, I just asked what point in the process you have reached.
- And if our communicating across two language barriers is part of the problem, I hope this acknowledgment will settle some of the arising discomfort, no harm meant.
- As to the PIs BT-module, currently I have no difficulties while running the NES and the prBoom emulators on Retropie, but I know nothing more about this.
- The automated update process and the accidental DoS-attack you fear, could maybe be reduced by serving the new version to only a fraction of the requests, the best ratio of update-to-4.1-answers to we-are-still-at-4.0.2-answers could be determined by the frequency of the update check, the number of running systems and so on (in short, the number of requests the server receives over any given time period). This way the load can be distributed over time.
Again, no harm intended.
(Now I will get back to trying to figure out, whether I will invest time in configuring the wretched RetroPie or wait for RecalBox 4.1)
@imforumman I just find it harsh that you decide of your distro ONLY because of the internal BT ... As if Recalbox is of no interest without BT
The automated update process and the accidental DoS-attack you fear, could maybe be reduced by serving the new version to only a fraction of the requests
That's called canary, and that's what will happen, indeed. Once 4.1 is out, the release cycle should be sooooooooooooooooo much better. Monthly based, according to our expectations.
I know people are just sooooooo demanding for 4.1. Development is mostly over. So use some wired pads meanwhile ^^
The desire for internal BT is esthetic and practical: for one I don't want to buy another piece of electronics which I don't need. And also, I bought this awesome Pi case which looks like the NES which I had as a child, only in very small, and I'm not going to ruin that by plugging a BT dongle into it. Yeah, wired is OK, but my back hurts sitting on the carpet so close to the TV.A canary test is actually a hidden update to a small number of users, who are usually unaware of their function as a canary, not a method for a protracted roll out of a large update. I feel canary tests are a failure by design, as people running productive systems are used as Guinea pigs without their consent, I have often argued against them and opted for more RCs with voluntary testers who can be readily found for most projects and IMHO are often much more helpful in identifying the problems instead of just being p**sed at the developers for delivering an insufficient product (and they are right!). But no matter, a protracted rollout due to bandwidth reasons is very legitimate and by no means a canary test.
As I basically have no time to be writing this, but have done so anyway, I have no time to get into configuring RetroPie tonight, so maybe I will just check back here soon to find a 4.1 version available for a clean install and so you will have made me just another happy retro gamer dwelling in the memory of a long long time ago, when life was simple: school, computer games, BASIC, and the occasional fight with the parents.
Keep it up!