Still waiting!
Im here for beta testing
Any news about 4.1?
Still waiting!
Im here for beta testing
Any news about 4.1?
Genial probando... mejor que el USX ... Ya que nunca me funciono
Una consulta, no saben como poder configurar los joysticks?
Enchufe un teclado y aprete la tecla esc pero no funciona. No me aparece el menu de PSPP
No era que recalbox reconoces joysticks de PS3 ?
Yo probe uno original por usb y nunca lo reconociรณ
@jlbosch78 No me aparece la carpeta resources
Tengo el mismo problema, hay juegos que tienen 4 players
@jwanz Hace rato que vengo con este problema.
Hay in issue en github pero aun no lo han resuelto. Espero que puedan solucionarlo por que a mi tampoco me conecta el wifi.
Que versiรณn usas?
@Pepe Hay uno de Tiny Toons de a 4 jugadores, pero solo detecta 2 mandos.
Recalbox 4.1 - sega Megadrive.
I still have this issue
The best themes are for Retropie. Maybe the EmulationStation of recalbox, its old ...
I have it, and works great on 4.1
Still waiting!
Im here for beta testing
Any news about 4.1?
Hello guys! im just looking on github.
And i found this:
Thees any way to update the glideplugin manually?
I hope tomorrow ... 4.1 release
@substring Im realy exited for the new version! can show us or tell us whats going to get?
Will Mario Party WORKS? Thats could be awsome.
@substring said in [4.1-Unstable] Update Manualy - Servers offs:
I know people are frustrated with the non availability of 4.1, but it's for a good sake
we're setting up everything to be ready for the D day, we hope we won't have to make all of you wait too long
we're very confident this 4.1 will be a blast ^^
Theres any way to fix my installation? I dont want to install all the system again, it takes me too much time!
@abunille The problem its this...
I tryed with /recalbox/scripts/
And crashed my Recalbox version
Y have 1gb
(I get installed Libreelec - Recalbox - Raspibian)
I was finishing configuring recalbox, theres anyway to update or fix my recalbox installation?
@pablo-macaluso Oh oh i find it here.
Sorry i dont know much Frenchร -jour-indisponibles/10