28 Jul 2017, 13:03

@supernature2k said in [release-WIP] Theme Recalbox-multi (help needed):

controls layout / darker colorset

Hello everyone,
Hello @supernature2k

I begin by saying that I am French, and that I do not speak English. So I use Google Translate. Sorry for the errors so.

I've discovered recalbox themes recently, including the recalbox-multi theme. I understood how to customize it and I selected "controls layout / darker colorset". Very classy !!!!

On the other hand, I did not understand (found) despite my numerous researches, how to customize this theme even more. Besides I do not know if I have the right to do it (if not sorry)

I want to put a different image per console as wallpaper (background?), As well as a different music per console.
The idea is that, for example, for the N64, the background image (instead of gray or black) is an image of Perfect Dark (<3 loooooovveeeeee) with the music of the game, on SNES a picture of Street Fighter with a music (Hadouken), etc .....

I wish to keep the tapes on the side, as well as the icon of the console, etc ....

So I searched a bit and in the theme.xml file of the n64 folder I added at the beginning:

<view name="system">
<sound name="directory">
<image name="background" extra="true">

Obviously I created a folder art and sounds;)

In the main.xml file I deleted the lines in relation to the music.

I start and I do not know anything in the xml .......

So experts, I'm far from the truth?
Can anyone help me?
