@danimourinho that rainbow square means your power supply isn't working good.
I was using my recalbox 4.0.2 in raspberry pi 3 without any problems for a month. Today when I started it the system was not starting as normal, showing the multicolour square pattern screen at the begining and then showing a text message (is soo fast and i cant take a screenshot of it) then goes to the recalbox logo and restarts again a few times until finally it starts correctly. If I choose any of the options: SHUT DOWN/RESTART/ FAST SHUT DOWN or UPDATING GAMES DATE the system doesnt shut down and always restarts doing the same thing I have explained before. If I put new games and i add the info and scrap them, once i shut/restart the information is not saved....Could you give me some advice. Thanks in advance!
@danimourinho that rainbow square means your power supply isn't working good.
thanks I will try with another charger then, and let you know
@danimourinho @paradadf
I think he means the square screen during startupThis is a normal function of the RPi. Has nothing to do with your power supply.
ONLY if you see a small rainbow square in the upper right corner WHILE running, then you have a power supply issue.Did you change some files, data, custom configs?
@lackyluuk you are completely right.
@danimourinho sorry about that!Maybe your sd card got corrupted!
I have a 5V - 3.0A usb adaptor and thats the one I was using and giving me problems. I have swaped to a similar one and seems that is not doing that, so definetely is a power issue. In the right top corner is showing a yellow Lighning icon all the time. I have read that this is because the RPI3 is underpowered. I thought 5v and 3A would be enough....
@danimourinho bad quality psu don't deliver what they promise. Sometimes the adapter itself is good, but the micro USB isn't.