12 Jun 2017, 17:07

Hi ! I would like to show you my bartop inspired by Donkey Kong's classic cab. Powered by rpi 3b and your OS. I've tried not to spend so much money re-using things, especially painting, tools, and printable A4 white sticker paper (used to redo cartridge stickers of my old VCS atari). 0_1497284381978_16997860_10209256723915365_3206574122273229765_n.jpg
I made "vintage Space Invaders holes" to let warm air go out, and it was a surprise to see LED of the marquee backlighting the wall. o_O
I spent a lot of my money during the 80's, in arcade, playing with the real cabinet. 😕
Now I got mine at home for my family and I. 😉
Nothing would be done without your O.S. Thank you so much. God bless recalbox O.S. 😉