So, i decided to try out the new RetroFlag Nespi case, and i was pretty surprised by the great quality of the case!
Got it early and while it was cheap, and they became pretty hard to buy these days., So i'll let the images do the talking to give you guys an idea about it.
Also put a fan in it, and some extra big heatsinks, and temps won't go higher than 45 Celsius. And i put a 64GB nano usb stick in it for my roms, saves, and other data. MicroSD is easy to reach, but it gives my NesPi sort of internal memory.
In short terms, i'm pretty happy with this little case. And they did a great job replicating a Nes Classic without the loss of the feel of quality. Only down point is the placement of the ethernet on the frontside, under the lid. Who thought of that..