@Larlouch Jamais eu ce probleme...
Tu aurais un log1.txt à me filer que je check ?
Sorry I wasn't there too much these last time :S
This is a "list" of "things" I use in UXS :
External exe (they are IN the UXS executable) :
- 7za.exe
- plink.exe
- pngquant.exe
Dll used (I hope I don't forget some ^^) :
- Kernel32.dll
- User32.dll
- gdi32.dll
- GDIPlus.dll
- ntdll.dll
- winhttp.dll
- dwmapi.dll
- uxtheme.dll
- imageres.dll
- advapi32.dll
- msxmlX.dll (normally X is tested from 8 to 0... But I think the last one will be the best : so msxml8.dll )
The problem is on the last dll (I think).
When I try (with my poor competence) to run UXS on WINE, I try to install MSXML6 with winetricks (not sure if it was with success ^^) but if it was, I think v6 isn't enough...
They're certainly something to do with the arch config (32 or 64) but I'm really to "light" on Linux to work fluently with it :S
Don't hesitate to ask if you need someting more