[release-WIP] Theme Recalbox-multi (help needed)
Hi All,
I recently made a lot of changes to the recalbox-multi theme and need your help to finalize it.
The concept of recalbox-multi is that you have
3054 themes in 1!
With only one theme, you can easily change the layout and color scheme to have something different:- main screen
The same as standard recalbox theme you will say. That's right!
standard layout / darker colorset
white & black colorset
no description layout / white & black colorset
big picture layout / black & white colorset
portrait layout / bluechoco colorset
supernature2k layout / darker colorset
and the brand new one:
controls layout / darker colorset
To change the layout / colorset, you just have to comment/uncomment lines in the config file located in
:You can also "force" a specific layout for a system by doing the same in the theme.xml file of the system (e.g. /recalbox-multi/snes/theme.xml)
This theme has been tested in several resolutions but I can't test everything, that's why I need help from you, especially for uncommon and low resolutions (640x480, 5/4, 16/10 and so on...)
Second thing I need is for the new layout, "controls". I was not able to find all the existing standard controls layout, a lot are still missing, see table hereunder:
Systems Controller layout Amstrad cpc missing Atari 2600 missing Atari 7800 missing Atari ST missing CaveStory missing Favoris N/A FDS (Family Computer Disk) missing Final Burn Alpha missing Final Burn Alpha Libretro missing Game & Watch missing Game boy color Done Game Gear Done Gameboy Done Gameboy Advance Done Image Viewer N/A Lutro missing Lynx Done Mame missing Master System Done Megadrive Done Moonlight missing MS X 1-2-2+ missing MSX1 missing MSX2+ missing Neo Geo Done Neo Geo Pocket B&W Done Neo Geo Pocket Color Done Nintendo Done Nintendo 64 Done Odyssey 2 missing PC Engine Done PC Engine CD Done Playstation Done PR Boom missing Scumm VM missing Sega 32 X Done Sega CD Done Sega SG 1000 Done Super Nintendo Done Supergrafx Done Vectrex missing Virtual Boy Done Wonderswan B&W missing Wonderswan Color missing ZX Spectrum missing ZX81 missing Amiga 1200 missing Amiga 600 missing Apple II missing Colecovision missing Commodor 64 missing Dreamcast Done Gamecube missing Playstation portable Done Wii missing The theme is available here
install it in
(sorry for the long post
I forgot to say: you are also welcome to create new layouts and colorsets!!! you can easily create new ones starting from an existing one (new colorsets especially would be nice)
That's a lonnnng description
Good job. Really nice customizations possibilities!
@DjLeChuck thx
lot of explanations to give so yeah... pretty long post
Good work dude
Hi, thanks for this new theme !
Could you add a "download" option to your git repo ? -
@poumtaq There is an option: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-themes/archive/master.zip But it downloads ALL the repo.
@poumtaq unfortunately I can't
@rockaddicted would it be possible to make a release like Eudora & simplelight?
@DjLeChuck yep nickel merci, pas grave je prends tout et ferai le tri !
@supernature2k of course.
Nice job @supernature2k you have made many possibilities =D
dowload link updated, thx to @rockaddicted
Alors testé en 480i sur CRT :
Je testerai en 240p pour que t'es une idée
Mais en tout cas c'est parfait, le decalage que l'on voit c'est l'overscan de mon écran qui est réglé pour la résolution 240p en jeu. (EmulationStation tourne en 480i)
Beau boulot!
- 9 days later
@supernature2k I use your new theme with my 7" display: https://www.adafruit.com/products/2300 (1024x600)
aaaand it works great
I have tested:
supernature2k layout / white & black colorset
This is not very suitable for small screens like this. Too many information on the screen.
big picture layout / white & black colorset
This is my absolute favourite layout for this size of screens. Only as much information as needed. Big pictures. This gives a nice overview
Thanks for your work
@lackyluuk thx very much for the feedback!
what about system info? is it readable?
@supernature2k It is readable although it is a small font size. What about using the whole space below the system logo instead of having all the information in the middle at small font size?
Is it maybe also possible to increase the game names a little bit in the detailed view? Currently we see 17 games on one page. On small screens the number could be decreased to 10 - 14 or something like this?
thx very much!
For the system info, I just let it as it is in recalbox theme. Let's see what @reivax and @Global-Moderators think
For number of items in gamelist there is no other solution than creating a specific layout for small screens
/me thinks there is soooooo much space unsused. But i really do not care that much about the visual part of the project
Except this multi idea is awesome !
@lackyluuk the problem with big scraped images is the resolution ... I think we fixed it at 350^x wide, something like that. So strzetching it on a 1080p screen can be ... errr .. ugly
@Substring everyone can choose the scrape size by editing es_settings.cfg file (why not export this setting in ES in the futur)