Push button (ON/OFF) script problems?
Sorry for my ignorance, but I did not mention that this was after I put the power button on the gpio if it is not related to this topic, I really will do.
It isn't.
- about a month later
Lo tengo montado en mi bartop, me pasa algo parecido cuando enciendo/apago la luz de la marquesina o enciendo/apago los altavoces, se me apaga el sistema, e probado de todo, incluso desconectando todo los gpio de control, y solo dejando los cables 5 6 conectados sin interruptor ni pulsador sigue pasando igual, solo soluciono el problema desactivando la opción del interruptor. No es problema de corto ni nada de eso ya que aunque los conecte a diferentes enchufes la luz y los altavoces sigue pasando, también e probado diferentes cables gpio, diferentes rasp, y demás y nada sigue pasando. Tal vez sea un problema del script si alguien le pasa, o puede revisar o algo, aria un gran favor.
Añadir que como dicen arriba, cuando activas la opción de on/off pin 5 6 , duplica el código como 5 o 6 veces, desconozco si pasaba antes de la 4.0 final, ya que la primera vez que lo e activado a sido en 4.0 final.
@Fran-Rdg-Gnd since this is an english thread, please use english
paradadf will translate it when I connect, Has more correct English
A fast translation from what @Fran-Rdg-Gnd wrote:
He uses the script on his bartop. Something similar happens to him when he turns of/off the lights on the marquee or the speakers. His recalbox gets shut down, even disconnecting every other cable attached to the gpio and leaving the bare two cables on pins 5/6 without switch. The only way to "solve" the problem is by deactivating the script. He also says that it isn't a short circuit problem because this even happens when the lights/speakers are plug into a separate adaptor power adaptor. He has tested it on different cables, different RPis and every time he gets the same behaviour.
@paradadf I had the problem too just connecting a controller or the ethernet cable even with an off switch so I'm not using it nor the script anymore...
I understand why this coul happen wuth a momentary script but I don't get why this is a case with on off switch, isn't it possible to detect in that case if the switch is circuit closed or not before shutting down ?
@voljega there is definitely something weird happening with the scripts. I'm not saying the script itself is wrong, but the coexistence with with something else must be faulty. It happens even without anything pluged in, just by activating it. It is like any movement, interference or signal in general is being captured by the gpio.
One possible solution could be what @supernature2k said at the beginning... Implement some kind of delay (or whatever it is called), so you can adjust the miliseconds for the script to be triggered. Currently, there is no option for that.
@paradadf : Thanks for your help, as I experience some weird things myself (lol, meaning the recalbox).
Could you give an example how to implement such a delay, i.e. having to press the momentary button for let's say 1/2 second to turn the recalbox on/off?
Greetings from Germany
@hanker I can't, no idea about python. 1/2 a second would be too much imo.
- 3 months later
@lackyluuk said in Push button (ON/OFF) script problems?:
calm down @miserytom
I suggest you to put it into
and then in/etc/init.d
(where all startup scripts are located) you could place another script which is starting your fan script in a background processHello everyone,
I'm totally Noob with Linux and Raspberry Pi and I need your help. I'm following the lackyluuk Fan Control project, but I have some doubts.
1 - I put the entire lackyluuk code line in a .py file and transferred it to Share / System. I tried using the Tardigrada mode "chmod + x fancontrol.py" but it did not work.
2 - I tried to put fancontrol.py in the / recalbox / scripts and /etc/init.d folders, but the Terminal did not allow it, said the folder is Ready Only.
3 - As I already moved as the Arduino, I know that a code of this is being processed all the time, this will not affect the performance in games and Kodi? Would you like to have this code only be activated by special event trigger?
Some considerations:
I am using the GPIO 14 because it is a PWM I / O port and can later use it in a Fan Control With PWM project.
I used the Python Debug Mode Terminal (/ usr / bin / env python) and ran row by line, when it arrives in command below it's error. Even so, I was able to turn the Fan on and off manually with GPIO.output (GATE, "True / False").def getCPUtemperature():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))Thank tou all.
@Pedro-Vieira said in Push button (ON/OFF) script problems?:
@lackyluuk said in Push button (ON/OFF) script problems?:
calm down @miserytom
I suggest you to put it into
and then in/etc/init.d
(where all startup scripts are located) you could place another script which is starting your fan script in a background processHello everyone,
I'm totally Noob with Linux and Raspberry Pi and I need your help. I'm following the lackyluuk Fan Control project, but I have some doubts.
1 - I put the entire lackyluuk code line in a .py file and transferred it to Share / System. I tried using the Tardigrada mode "chmod + x fancontrol.py" but it did not work.
2 - I tried to put fancontrol.py in the / recalbox / scripts and /etc/init.d folders, but the Terminal did not allow it, said the folder is Ready Only.
3 - As I already moved as the Arduino, I know that a code of this is being processed all the time, this will not affect the performance in games and Kodi? Would you like to have this code only be activated by special event trigger?
Some considerations:
I am using the GPIO 14 because it is a PWM I / O port and can later use it in a Fan Control With PWM project.
I used the Python Debug Mode Terminal (/ usr / bin / env python) and ran row by line, when it arrives in command below it's error. Even so, I was able to turn the Fan on and off manually with GPIO.output (GATE, "True / False").def getCPUtemperature():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))Thank tou all.
Please, delete this post and the above. I already made it work.
Nosferatu676 30 Apr 2024, 02:11