14 Nov 2016, 20:29

@paradadf Maybe I wasn't clear: HOTKEY+START works, but START doesn't work in the game. So, something is correct in the config, but something else isn't.

@Substring Thanks, this is moving me forward. I tried to edit "/recalbox/share/system/configs/mupen64/InputAutoCfg.ini", but it seems that this file gets overwritten be Recalbox. I also see an "Input-SDL-Control1" section in "/recalbox/share/system/configs/mupen64/mupen64plus.cfg", but it says at the top of this file that it is "written by the Mupen64Plus Core library", so I guess I shouldn't be editing.

So, I'm stuck now:

  1. Is there a way to manually edit the config for mupen64plus?
  2. Why is Recalbox generating a config that isn't working? Is this a bug?