N64 emulation does not work with any of my controllers
@emblemparade the files won't get overwritten if you add
in your recalbox.confthe only thing that works so-so witn N64 is the player number assignement as, to tell you the truth, we have no power yet on it. But the autoconfigure works well. Or so I think
@Substring Is this documented anywhere in the wiki? This is an interesting little corner of Recalbox.
I'm realizing more and more that mupen64plus is the weirdest part of the system.
@emblemparade i think i edited the wiki 10 days ago about that
@Substring Can you point me to the wiki page? I can't find it.
Errrr .... I obviously can't
I got a similar problem guys.
Im using a XBOX Wireless controller and it is perfectly configured (incluiding xboxdrv). All emulators and games are working fine, but the N64 does not.
The HOTKEY+Start works to leave the game, but when I use only Start or any key nothing happens, so I cant even start a game.
I've already change ports and tryed to edit mupen64plus.cfg but it doesn't save the changes.
When I plug another USB controler it works, so the problem is the Xbox or Wireless adapter .
Any ideas? @emblemparade @Substring
@FAGUDES Try my debugging trick: ssh into your box and run "jstest /dev/input/js?" with the various "joysticks" you see there, and try to see what each joystick is. We can start with that and try to figure out what mupen64 is trying to use...
@FAGUDES how lany controllers did you have plugged with your xbox one ?
@Substring I'm confused by your answer to me.
You edited the wiki 10 days ago but you don't have the link to it? Does that mean you edited it or forgot ...?
@Substring I just have one. I plugged a simple usb joystick just for test, but already removed and trying to fix this
@emblemparade I tried but I'm really noob and I don't know how to continue after this:
Anyway, maybe my problem is here: When I look at "share\system\configs\mupen64\mupen64plus.cfg" it show my first controller [Input-SDL-Control1] as "GPIO Controller 1" as you can see:
[Input-SDL-Control1] # Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin config parameter version number. Please don't change this version number. version = 2 # Controller configuration mode: 0=Fully Manual, 1=Auto with named SDL Device, 2=Fully automatic mode = 2 # Specifies which joystick is bound to this controller: -1=No joystick, 0 or more= SDL Joystick number device = 0 # SDL joystick name (or Keyboard) name = "GPIO Controller 1" # Specifies whether this controller is 'plugged in' to the simulated N64 plugged = True # Specifies which type of expansion pak is in the controller: 1=None, 2=Mem pak, 5=Rumble pak plugin = 2 # If True, then mouse buttons may be used with this controller mouse = False # Scaling factor for mouse movements. For X, Y axes. MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" # The minimum absolute value of the SDL analog joystick axis to move the N64 controller axis value from 0. For X, Y axes. AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" # An absolute value of the SDL joystick axis >= AnalogPeak will saturate the N64 controller axis value (at 80). For X, Y axes. For each axis, this must be greater than the corresponding AnalogDeadzone value AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" # Digital button configuration mappings DPad R = "hat(0 Right)" DPad L = "hat(0 Left)" DPad D = "hat(0 Down)" DPad U = "hat(0 Up)" Start = "button(7)" Z Trig = "button(2)" B Button = "button(3)" A Button = "button(0)" C Button R = "button(1) axis(3+)" C Button L = "axis(3-)" C Button D = "axis(4+)" C Button U = "axis(4-) button(0)" R Trig = "button(5)" L Trig = "button(4)" Mempak switch = "" Rumblepak switch = "" # Analog axis configuration mappings X Axis = "axis(0-,0+)" Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+)" My Xbox controller only appears in [Input-SDL-Control3] position as "Xbox Gamepad (user space driver)".
I already tried to change and swap positions but the file always back to this order. In EmulationStation interface my Xbox is set to "#1 Player" and the other options on "Default".
@FAGUDES disable gpio controllers in recalbox.conf and reboot
@FAGUDES Sorry, I meant the "?" to represent a number. Press the TAB key instead of "?" and the terminal should show you which options are available to you. It might seem a bit awkward, but this is a great way to see exactly how Recalbox is seeing your controllers!