10 Feb 2022, 15:09

Hey guys,

I had an old version of the Recalbox (18.0.something) that worked like a charm, which I didn't use for a long time, until last week.
I decided to update my Recalbox via Raspberry imager and got the version 8.0.2
The purchase of a NesPi Case on top with the safe shutdown funtion made me very happy, but I have a huge problem.

Everytime when I start a game and I enter the RetroArch menu via "hotkey + b" and go to a setting like "video" my game freezes, when I quit the RetroArch menu.

If I open it up and immediately close it, I can play without a crash, but if I go deeper into the configuration and close the window my game freezes and I have to use the shutdown funtion of my case.

This bug was already a problem before I configured the Shutdown function, therefore I can exclude this possibility.

Unfortunately I can not download an older version of Recalbox, because there seems to be nowhere to find an older update.

I don't have any knowledge in programming, so if I need to configure something directly I needed a tutorial to do that.

Glad if anyone could help.