@clkgames I think you already know, but, the options that can be changed are in the recalbox.conf file (you must remove the semicolon from the beginning of the line for the configuration to work):
## Videosnaps
### Delay before videosnaps start, in millisecond. Default: 2s
### Video loop times. 0 = no video. 1 or more = the video loops x times before fading out
### Enable videosnap sound/music
Another issue I'd like to point out is, if you set the video snap start delay to zero and scroll very quickly throughout your game list, Emulationstation loads again and you are sent back to Main Screen.
I wouldn't call it an issue, it happens due to a hardware limitation, you are overloading the system, and forcing it to restart the Emulationstation, if it didn't, you would have to shut down forcibly (and manually).
The videos take up more storage space, and are heavier for the system to play. It is understood that whoever uses the videos uses it so that they can see an example of the game, that is, they will not scroll very quickly.
Considering that the problem is hardware limitation (and that, I believe that it is not feasible to change the hardware because of this detail), and that, you want to use snap videos, but sometimes you want to go quickly to a specific title, I recommend that you use shortcuts:
In the console selection list:
- R1: search function (https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/v/francais/usage-basique/fonctionnalites/fonction-de-recherche)
In the games list:
- L or R: page up / page down