@quillomega0 pisnes is a standalone emulator, so you won‘t find the binary there. But yes, there seems to be a problem launching games directly with it in the current beta. It will be fixed for the final release though.
[GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 4 (pre-release) - New Public Beta!
@maldorhan said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
Thanks for the tip with Snes9x emulator. It worked for me.
I also have the lines on left side of the screen like yours. -
@daeks to rephrase the question: any chance to get lr-scummvm on recalbox?
Just got my case today, and happy to have found this beta - had tried 6.0 but it would stutter all the time even during the boot animation and main menu, unfortunately not usable. The beta3 runs awesome though, fast boot/shutdown, no sound issues (apart from too demanding games obviously), I just also have the issue of SNES not working, just comes back to the menu.
The case is awesome, love the attention to detail and build quality, really great tribute to the GB.
@maldorhan said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
I took a picture of the vertical lines I noticed on the left, anyone else experienced that on his screen? (you gotta turn up the contrast to notice the lines on the Recalbox menu, specially dark blue and grey), maybe my screen is defect or something (It is WAY more visible in reality than on photos... but now you know how to check on yours if you wanna help me out:
Those stripes are part of the background image. They look a bit bad just becasue the image is scaled down so much for the 320x240 screen.
@Kilrah I thought it was part of the background image too but it also appears in blue or grey static backgrounds of some pre-included games (2048 for exemple).
@Minibreak Thanks a lot!
@maldorhan said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
@Kilrah I thought it was part of the background image too but it also appears in blue or grey static backgrounds of some pre-included games (2048 for exemple).
Yeah upon closer look I also have the stripes everywhere.
SNES emulator appears to be broken. Upon further investigation it appears there's a missing library
/usr/lib/libretro/pisnes_libretro.so -
@quillomega0 pisnes is a standalone emulator, so you won‘t find the binary there. But yes, there seems to be a problem launching games directly with it in the current beta. It will be fixed for the final release though.
Will it be possible to add pico-8 emulator?
@simoasis it is not an emulator it is not open source and you need a paid license to use it.
However you can find some script in my signature to use it with recalbox, even if the theme part is not uptodate
@voljega Thanks, but guess you can include it when you own license. Correct?
Will final version for GPi case have "green" Gameboy emulator installed? Just saw B/W version which I personally do not prefer to "original green" one.
@simoasis You can select display palette in the emulator settings.
Hi guys
I have done some testing on the GPI case and the PSX standalone emulator.-
the GPI case controller comes in hat mode by default and when using the PSX standalone emulator controller is a mess, but if you change the GPI case to axis and you remap the controller it works perfect.
Left, up right and down and bottom -
only thing the I see is the games on my GPI case only show in haft of the screen with standalone emulator other than that emulation speed and sound is really good.
axis mode working good with all emulators I try, Atary2600, nes, Snes,megadrive ect....
Note Retropie psx standalone emulator controller also a mess if in hat mode, but works in axis mode
if anybody else could try it.
How can i use the Virtual Gamepad/Keyboard with this version?
If i open it via the Manager (wich i first hat to activate) it does nothing (url not working via recalboxipadress:8080) -
No it disabled.
Read 1st post. -
@acris i read it, my question was not if it is disabled, instad it was how i can activate it ^^
J'ai des gros problèmes de son dans tous les émulateurs testés jusqu'à présent. Le son est totalement saturé, comme si on le passait dans une pédale de guitare (overdrive).
J'ai tenté de diminuer le volume général, genre je suis descendu de 75 à 50% mais là on n'entend même plus rien dans les émulateurs.Je suppose que ces problèmes seront fixés dans la version finale ?
Merci !
english topic please
for french people use this topic : https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/18158/gpi-case-recalbox-6-1-beta-3-disponible/424
and read all topic to solve -
@sibobbbe Have you gotten it to work. I have the same issue
@tyrell said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
J'ai des gros problèmes de son dans tous les émulateurs testés jusqu'à présent. Le son est totalement saturé, comme si on le passait dans une pédale de guitare (overdrive).
J'ai tenté de diminuer le volume général, genre je suis descendu de 75 à 50% mais là on n'entend même plus rien dans les émulateurs.
Je suppose que ces problèmes seront fixés dans la version finale ?
Merci !
StéphaneOk so I'll translate everything
In summary sound in all my emulators are saturated, like if it was going through an overdrive effect. Honestly, it really puts me off from using recalbox for the moment.
I even tried lowering the global volume from 75 to 50% but then I cannot hear anything ! Even with the volume pot to the maximum.I guess you will sort this problem out in the final version.
Everybody should have the same problem, I suppose. I'm surprised I don't see more people with the same issue which is very annoying.
Anyway, otherwise, great job with this beta 3. Eagerly waiting to try the final version.
Best regards,