@acris i read it, my question was not if it is disabled, instad it was how i can activate it ^^
[GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 4 (pre-release) - New Public Beta!
@voljega Thanks, but guess you can include it when you own license. Correct?
Will final version for GPi case have "green" Gameboy emulator installed? Just saw B/W version which I personally do not prefer to "original green" one.
@simoasis You can select display palette in the emulator settings.
Hi guys
I have done some testing on the GPI case and the PSX standalone emulator.-
the GPI case controller comes in hat mode by default and when using the PSX standalone emulator controller is a mess, but if you change the GPI case to axis and you remap the controller it works perfect.
Left, up right and down and bottom -
only thing the I see is the games on my GPI case only show in haft of the screen with standalone emulator other than that emulation speed and sound is really good.
axis mode working good with all emulators I try, Atary2600, nes, Snes,megadrive ect....
Note Retropie psx standalone emulator controller also a mess if in hat mode, but works in axis mode
if anybody else could try it.
How can i use the Virtual Gamepad/Keyboard with this version?
If i open it via the Manager (wich i first hat to activate) it does nothing (url not working via recalboxipadress:8080) -
No it disabled.
Read 1st post. -
@acris i read it, my question was not if it is disabled, instad it was how i can activate it ^^
J'ai des gros problèmes de son dans tous les émulateurs testés jusqu'à présent. Le son est totalement saturé, comme si on le passait dans une pédale de guitare (overdrive).
J'ai tenté de diminuer le volume général, genre je suis descendu de 75 à 50% mais là on n'entend même plus rien dans les émulateurs.Je suppose que ces problèmes seront fixés dans la version finale ?
Merci !
english topic please
for french people use this topic : https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/18158/gpi-case-recalbox-6-1-beta-3-disponible/424
and read all topic to solve -
@sibobbbe Have you gotten it to work. I have the same issue
@tyrell said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
J'ai des gros problèmes de son dans tous les émulateurs testés jusqu'à présent. Le son est totalement saturé, comme si on le passait dans une pédale de guitare (overdrive).
J'ai tenté de diminuer le volume général, genre je suis descendu de 75 à 50% mais là on n'entend même plus rien dans les émulateurs.
Je suppose que ces problèmes seront fixés dans la version finale ?
Merci !
StéphaneOk so I'll translate everything
In summary sound in all my emulators are saturated, like if it was going through an overdrive effect. Honestly, it really puts me off from using recalbox for the moment.
I even tried lowering the global volume from 75 to 50% but then I cannot hear anything ! Even with the volume pot to the maximum.I guess you will sort this problem out in the final version.
Everybody should have the same problem, I suppose. I'm surprised I don't see more people with the same issue which is very annoying.
Anyway, otherwise, great job with this beta 3. Eagerly waiting to try the final version.
Best regards,
@iggy310 I haven't I'm afraid! Just adding games exactly per instructions shouldn't result in the entire GPI interface disappearing. I hope it's fixed for you eventually. I gave up on the GPI, too much tinkering for me, bought an RG300 which just works for what I want without fuss.
@sibobbbe said in [GPi Case] Recalbox 6.1 Beta 3 - New Public Beta!:
@iggy310 I haven't I'm afraid! Just adding games exactly per instructions shouldn't result in the entire GPI interface disappearing. I hope it's fixed for you eventually. I gave up on the GPI, too much tinkering for me, bought an RG300 which just works for what I want without fuss.
You know what, I really like the rg300. It's a very nice little console and the emulators are mostly very optimized for this small cpu. Ergonomics are good, as is battery life. Screen is so-so...
Gpi case screen is sooo much better ! -
I agree that RG 300 is a pretty neat device, I also own one. But indeed the GPi screen has much better contrast, also I hope to obtain better PSX emulation with it.
@tyrell Your're right the GPI screen is better, it doesn't bother me personally. I wanted to love the GPI but Recalbox isn't there yet, so I decided on a $50 all-in machine with great L/R buttons, quick boot, standard USB-C charging, no AA batteries. It's just fun, as opposed to work. PSX emulation with overclock seemed as good as GPI to me (which is to say, OK but not amazing). Love recalbox on my Pi, and hope it runs great for everyone in a few months' time.
@sibobbbe I fixed my issue. I just allowed my router to accept the MAC address of the GPI case and i was able to transfer over my files. Works great now.
@sibobbbe indeed I have tried several ps1 games on the rg300 and speed is quite decent I'd say ! I'm really surprised at the performance and the devs probably have optimized the emulator a lot. Hats off to them !
All in all, it's my favorite emulation handheld for the moment. Ok, same cpu as the ldk for example, but ergonomics are better and the L/R buttons are very neat. -
Compared to customized images like Supreme GPi, Recalbox isn't quite there yet in terms of performance on the GPi case.
Don't get me wrong, I love Recalbox, I have both my home arcade and a custom mini cab running it, but this beta doesn't cut it IMHO.
Let's give time to the devs, in a couple of weeks/months it should be as good as usual.
6.1 beta 3
My problems:
Scummvm - no mouse steering
Dos - don't Start - I see the Dosbox-Logo but then it goes back to ES
I can't see my Screenshots in ES -
Hi, after i install the image of beta 3 my screen don't show nothing after several time. I upload my config.txt, hardware log for you to know about the issue. Thanks.