1 Jan 2019, 22:36

hi there
Happy new year to all

using beta christmas edition

when adding system to es_systems.cfg
(for example adding cps1 cps2 cps3 using fba)
then fba system disappear
only latest system added in es_systems.cfg appears

(btw: thoses lines added works on latest stable version)

my lines added looks like this

<extension>.zip .ZIP .fba .FBA .7z .7Z</extension>
<command>python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.pyc %CONTROLLERSCONFIG% -system %SYSTEM% -rom %ROM% -emulator %EMULATOR% -core %CORE% -ratio %RATIO% %NETPLAY%</command>
  <emulator name="libretro">


so in this example,of course others are in the es_systems.cfg,but only the last system ,cps2, can be selected and visible
others one (cps1/cps3 and of course fba) are invisible

can someone confirm or i have done something wrong?