@realnoize @manitou Hello, je viens de faire une upgrade d'un vielle 7 beta vers la 7.2.2. La maj est passée crème, mais plus d'écran au reboot. Normal notre @david2111 a fait du taf et a unifié la config avec les autres écrans du coup, j'ai du mettre à jour mes fichiers boot.ini et config.ini :
mount -o rw,remount /boot
cd /boot/
cp boot.ini.sample boot.ini
cp config.ini.sample config.ini
nano boot.ini
j'ai fait les modifs utiles pour avoir la bonne resolution sur mon ecran de PC (1440x900 et non 1920x1080):
# 1920x1080 (1080P) with monitor provided EDID information. (1080p-edid)
#setenv videoconfig "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60"
# 1440x900 with monitor provided EDID information.
setenv videoconfig "video=HDMI-A-1:1440x900@60"
ensuite modif du config.ini pour activer l'overlay de l'écran de l'OGST
nano config.ini
et voici le modifs
; Device Tree Overlay
; uncomment next line to enable Odroid XU4 OGST
overlays="spi0 i2c0 i2c1 uart0"
overlays="hktft-cs-ogst i2c0"
reste la config du fichier recalbox.conf dans la section
# ------------ J - TFT SECONDARY SCREEN ----------- #
# ------------ J - TFT SECONDARY SCREEN ----------- #
#Second miniTFT screen as marquee to display scrapes and videos
#Enable it with system.secondMiniTFT.enabled=1, disable with system.secondMiniTFT.enabled=0
#this configuration is REQUIRED
#Type of mini TFT : OGST, unknown
#Most of spi tft screen are enabled thanks to overlays in /boot/config.txt in rpi and /boot/config.ini on odroidxu4
#please check the specific configuration of your screen
#Some examples are available on the page .....
# values are :
# - overlay : screen configured through overlays in /boot/config.txt or /boot/config.ini (odroidxu4/ogst)
# - default : the rest of the world
#this configuration is REQUIRED if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
#Choose the resolution of your screen
#miniTFT resolution 320x240 -> 240p, 480x320 -> 320p
#this configuration is REQUIRED if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
#Scraped image aspect on tft screen : fbv display option
# options available : stretch, ignore-aspect, enlarge.
# stretch : Strech (using a simple resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary
# alpha : use the alpha channel (if applicable)
# ignore-aspect : Ignore the image aspect while resizing
# enlarge : Enlarge the image to fit the whole screen if necessary
# 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
#this configuration is REQUIRED if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
#When activating the second TFT screen, you may want to display
#game scraped video only on the second screen. This variable
#allows you to disable scraped video playing in ES during game browsing
#system.secondminitft.disablevideoines=1 disable video playing in ES
#system.secondminitft.disablevideoines=0 enable video playing in ES
#this configuration is OPTIONAL if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
#When activating the second TFT screen, you may want to display
#game scraped video only on the second screen. This variable
#allows you to disable scraped video playing in ES during game browsing
#system.secondminitft.disablevideoines=1 disable video playing in ES
#system.secondminitft.disablevideoines=0 enable video playing in ES
#this configuration is OPTIONAL if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
#if the backlight of your your screen can be manage by PWM,
#indicates the GPIO value of your PWM control
#WiringPi and its gpio program will be used to control the backlight
#when RB goes in SLEEP mode, and when it wakes up.
#On raspberry pi, PWMs cannot be used simultaneously with Jack sound output.
#If your are using HDMI or a Audio hat you can use backlight PWM control for the second screen
#If you are using Jack output please leave commented.
#The Screen will be switch down in Sleep mode, and switch on when it wakes up.
#On OGST, only this mode is available.
#this configuration is OPTIONAL if system.secondminitft.enabled=1
# system.secondminitft.usemarquee variabla allows you to display a different
# image during running game. just creat a directory named "marquees" in media
# aside videos and images and put new images with the same name as in images
# example :
# - /recalbox/share/roms/neogeo/media/marquees/alpham2.png
# - /recalbox/share/roms/neogeo/media/images/alpham2.png
# if set to 1, in game the marquee images will be displayed
# if set to 0, in game the scraped images will be displayed
#system.secondminitft.sleepenabled allows you to enable/disable
#sleep mode for the second TFT. If set to 1 sleep mode is enabled and
#backlight of the screen will be OFF. If set to 0, sleep mode is
#disabled and the backlight of the screen will be always On
un reboot et tout était ok :
Hope this helps