@NeeeeB everything is done, waiting for some corrections if anyone wants.
Need your help to translate a tool !
Hi !!
Sorry to hijack this forum but I've built a little tool, a GameList Editor which can be useful for all of us.
Here it is :
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/9265/soft-gamelist-editorNow I'm looking for some nice people to localize it to various languages.
So if you think you can help me with it, go ahead, the PoEditor project is here :
https://www.poeditor.com/projects/view?id=137171There are "only" 104 strings to translate.
And feel free to add other languages if you can translate to another !!
Many thanks for your help. -
@neeeeb I'm translating it.
I don't understand the meaning of this
"Remove region from games names"
I can translate it literally and someone can fix it on future because I'm never used your software and I don't know to which it refers.
"Disable Pi prompts" sounds weird in Spanish I translated it like "Disable Raspberry prompts"
Great many thanks, I've seen your progress on PoEditor.
It means " remove the region tag that can be sometimes in the name of the game after scraping"
Example : "Super Mario World [Europe]"
It will remove the [Europe] part from the name -
@NeeeeB everything is done, waiting for some corrections if anyone wants.
Thank you very much, I will add your translation as soon as possible, and credit you in the About window as a translator
If someone needs to correct anything, no problem, do it on PoEditor and I will be notified
Thx again uzanto, really appreciated !! -
Saw it, and fixed the small typo you mentioned in the comments.
Many thanks to you too, you are both already credited in my local version, will make it available to everyone sson !!
Really appreciated !!