The fastscraper is an useful batch script to be used with sselph scraper on Windows. With it, you can scrape many systems (some listed here) directly from your Windows PC (really fast!) according to the format needed in recalbox 4.
You just need to put fastscraper.bat and scraper.exe on the root folder of your roms.
And execute fastscraper.bat. For multiple systems you can just type a space between the names or type all
to scan all folders, and you can select if you want to update a gamelist or generate a new one. Fast and simple!
Finally you would need to transfer the downloaded_images folder and gamelist.xml to your SD Card.
You must stop EmulationStation before copying the gamelist.xml
with the command: /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop
and start it again after the copy is finished with /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
That's all!
Download the latest version here!
Update 08.01.2017:
You can open a folder browser and navigate directly to the network share of your recalbox and scrape from it! This is, of course, slower than doing it on your computer, it can be useful though.
Update 10.01.2017:
macOS and Linux version available here.
Update 27.01.2017:
Automatic download/update of scraper.exe
Update 25.04.2017:
Mix images for consoles arrived and became the default.